[NSA Word of the Day]

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February 1st, 2006: OGHAMIST

Definition: OGHAMIST*OGHAMISTS n one who writes in ogham

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: oghamistS

Ana-hooks: histogRam

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aNtismog goatFish haLimots higHmost hoastiNg hoistmaN maiLshot maNihots mEgahits oPsimath

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ag agio agios agism agist ago ah ahs ai aim aims ais ait aits am ami amigo amigos amis as ash at atom atoms gait gaits gam gams gas gash gast gat gath gaths gats ghast ghat ghats ghi ghis ghost gi gio gios gis gism gismo gist git gits go goa goas goat goatish goats gos gosh gosht got ha hag hags ham hams hao has hast hat hats hi him his hist hit hits hm ho hoa hoas hoast hog hogs hoi hoist hos host hosta hot hots imago imagos io ios iota iotas is ish ism iso it ita itas its ma mag magi magot magots mags maist mas mash mast mat math maths mats mho mhos mi mig might mights migs mis misgo miso mist mo moa moas moat moats mog mogs moi moist moit moits mos most mot moth moths mots oast oat oath oaths oats ogam ogams ogham oghams oh ohia ohias ohm ohms ohs oi om omit omits oms os ostia sag sago sai saim saith sam sat sati sh sha shag sham shat shim shit shmo shoat shog shogi shot si sigh sight sigma sim sima sit sith sma smight smit smith (and 49 more)

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