[NSA Word of the Day]

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June 30th, 2005: LOCALIST

Definition: LOCALIST*LOCALISTS n one who is strongly concerned with the matters of a locality

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: localistS

Ana-hooks: callositY cloistRal collaGist latosOlic localitEs oscillatE sailclotH stoicallY tEocallis

'Typos': localise localism loyalist vocalist

Blana-grams: aloEtics caloRist caPitols clitoRal coaliEst coalPits coDillas coitallY collatEs Galliots localitE localitY locUstal Maillots Misallot scallioN sociallY sociEtal stallioN tEocalli

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: act acts ai ail ails ais ait aits al alist alit all allis allot allots alls als also alt alto altos alts as asci ascot at atoc atocs atoll atolls call calls calo cast cat cats ciao ciaos cill cills cis cist cit cital citals cito citola citolas cits clast clat clats clot clots coal coals coast coat coati coatis coats coil coils coit coital coits col cola colas coll colls cols colt colts cos cost costa costal cot cots ictal ill ills io ios iota iotas is iso it ita itas its la lac lacs laic laics las last lat lati lats li lilac lilacs lilo lilos lilt lilts lis list lit litas lits lo loast loca local locals loci los lost lot lota lotas loti lotic lots oast oat oats oca ocas octa octal octals octas oi oil oils olla ollas os ostia ostial otic sac sai saic sail sal salic sall salol salt salto sat sati scail scall scat scilla scolia scot scotia si sial sic sill silo silt sit slat slit slot so soc soca social soil sol sola soli sot st stall still stoa stoai stoic stoical ta taco tacos tai tail tails tais talc (and 27 more)

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