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This monthly message was posted by Chris Cree in August 2013.
The 2013 National SCRABBLE Championship is in the books and now we are moving on to the Labor Day weekend events and then into the fall schedule. There are close to 100 sanctioned events on the NASPA tournament calendar in between now and the end of the year; plenty of opportunities to get your game on!
There are 5 big Labor Day weekend events taking place around the continent in Portland, ME, Schertz (San Antonio area) TX, Alpharetta, GA, Wilmington, DE and Ottawa, ON.
Dallas Johnson, Vice President of Operations and Chair of the Tournament Committee, is seeking three additional members for this extremely active and important committee.
Dallas writes:
The NASPA Tournament Committee is being expanded to help us better carry out our mission, and is looking for 3 new committee members. The committee reviews and sanctions NASPA-rated tournaments, reviews and acts on many of the incident reports filed with NASPA, and establishes certain policies and procedures with respect to tournaments. Tournament Committee members should meet the following qualifications:
- Be a fully certified NASPA director
- Have experience running NASPA clubs and/or tournaments
- Be (and stay) familiar with NASPA rules and the Code of Conduct
If you are interested in joining the committee, please send email to the committee, briefly outlining your background and qualifications, and explaining why you are interested in joining the committee. You can send the email to:
The Tournament Committee sanctioned 387 tournaments last year and is on pace for a similar number this year.
NASPA is always looking for willing and able members to serve on its committees. Please take a look at our list of committees and let us know if you would be willing to share your talents.
Currently, NASPA uses its website, its Yahoo group, Naspa-pro, Twitter and its Facebook pages to communicate with its members. We have been investigating an email service that can adequately handle the 5,100+ email addresses that we have in our system. NASPA hired a consultant who has recommended one of these companies and, assuming I can get through the tutorial, my Message From will be directly emailed to the membership.
So, if you have not done so recently, please go to the Member Services section of our website and make sure that your email address is correct.
We intend to use this service for other important communications as well, as NASPA’s database has outgrown typical email service providers.
Chris Cree
This page was last edited on 31 August 2013, at 10:01. Privacy policy
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