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These archived news items originally appeared on the Breaking news page.
We welcome Paul Avrin, who replaces Chris Lipe on the Rules Committee, and thank Chris for his six years of service.
The 2014 Form 990 for NASPA has been uploaded to the Financial reports page.
Jason Keller succeeds Dallas Johnson as chair of the NASPA Tournament Committee, effective May 1, 2015.
NASPA Zyzzyva version 3.0.4 has been released for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The iPhone app continues in development; no release date for that program is available at this time.
NASPA Advisory Board seeking members with ideas to contribute to and enhance the NASPA community -- support in the form of grants of up to $1500.
Moderation assumed by Social Media Committee
Welcome to our newest committee and its seven members: Conrad Bassett-Bouchard, Judy Cole, Iliana Filby, Kate Fukawa-Connelly, Roger Cullman, Terry Kang Rau, and Marsh Richards.
We have added three new School SCRABBLE study word lists to Member Services: 2s and 3s, 3-to-make-4s, and short JQXZ words.
The 2016 North American SCRABBLE Championship will be held at the Grand Wayne Convention Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on August 6-10, 2016.
We welcome our newest committee volunteer!
NASPA Zyzzyva 3.0.3 is now available for the OS X platform.
The Advisory Board has ruled that the new edition of the Official Tournament and Club Word List will take effect on April 10.
The first version of NASPA Zyzzyva, 3.0.3 (for consistency with pre-NASPA Zyzzyva) has been released for Windows. It includes access to OTCWL2014.
The effective date of the OTCWL2014 has been delayed, due to difficulty in making the program available for download from the NASPA website. Once the program is available for download, that information will be communicated to the SCRABBLE community, and the Advisory Board will then determine the effective date.
Online registration is now open for the 2015 North American SCRABBLE Championship.
Players interested in winning places to this event through NASPA tournaments should consult the newly announced program document.
Players interested in representing Canada at the 2015 WESPA Championship should follow the procedure given in the newly posted 2015 WESPA Championship Canadian Qualification System.
Hasbro has issued a brief announcement naming its corporate headquarters as the venue for the next National School SCRABBLE Championship
Hasbro has issued a brief announcement naming May 16-17, 2015 as the dates for the next National School SCRABBLE Championship
The new lexicon will be released 60 days after a version of Zyzzyva that supports permitted use of the lexicon has been published. The release date will not be before April 1, 2015.
Until the new lexicon is released, the Official_Tournament_and_Club_Word_List for all non-Collins club and tournament events is OTCWL2.1, which adds GEOCACHE, -ES, -ED, -ING to the OTCWL2 issued in 2006.
This page was last edited on 27 March 2017, at 22:45. Privacy policy
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