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The Canadian Committee has prepared the following contribution to NASPA's 2014 collection of reports on committee activity.
In the past 12 months the Canadian Committee has not had very much on its agenda that can be described as pressing business. There was no CNSC held since the last NSC was held in Las Vegas.
The only noteworthy item of business concerned the annual CC election process. The 2013 CC election was scheduled to be held in November. Before it could be held, the CC had to deal with a dispute regarding whether or not expatriate Canadians could run in CC elections. It was determined that although expatriates could vote in a CC election, they were ineligible to run in a CC election because of the regional format of the committee. It was decided that expatriate Canadians would have an unfair advantage over their counterparts because candidates who live in Canada have to deal with regional restrictions that would not apply to expatriates.
Entering the 2013 CC election, the terms of Jeff Parsons and John Robertson were scheduled to end on December 31, 2013. Jeff chose not to run for re-election while John chose to run. Bernard Gotlieb was nominated to run. Since Bernard and John were the only two candidates who chose to run, they both won by acclamation. Their terms began on January 1, 2014 and run to December 31, 2016.
The CC was informed the future world championship events would be open events. Accordingly, there was no need to determine criteria for Canadian players to qualify for such events.
— John Robertson, Chairman
This page was last edited on 10 March 2016, at 08:47. Privacy policy
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