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Hasbro will be sponsoring the 2015 National School SCRABBLE Championship on May 16–17, 2015 at its corporate headquarters at 1027 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861. This event will be organized again by MSI with the technical expertise of NASPA as part of NASPA's support of the School SCRABBLE Program.
Having noticed that the event website appears to be offline, we have made our part of the 2015 NASSC live coverage available on our server, with apologies for the occasional broken link or missing image.
Registration is live!
NASPA Zyzzyva is now available for the Windows and OS X platforms for school users wanting to train for the event.
Hasbro announced today: “Hasbro is excited to share that the 2015 National School SCRABBLE Tournament - open to competitors in grades 4 through 8 - will take place on May 16-17, 2015 at Hasbro in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. A live streaming view of the tournament will be available on location. Parents, teachers and coaches can click here to stay up to date on all School SCRABBLE information.”
Hasbro announced today: “Hasbro is excited to share that the 2015 National School SCRABBLE Tournament — open to competitors in grades 4 through 8 will take place on May 16–17, 2015. The location of the tournament is not final at this time, but will be announced shortly. Parents, teachers and coaches can check back here to stay up to date on all School SCRABBLE information.”
This page was last edited on 2 November 2015, at 15:44. Privacy policy
Copyright © 2025 NASPA All rights reserved. SCRABBLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada, and of Mattel, Inc. elsewhere. NASPA and its activities are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Hasbro or Mattel. For more information about NASPA or for comments or issues with this page, please email us.