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This page lists all prizes to be awarded at the 2009 National SCRABBLE Championship.
We are grateful to Hasbro for increasing their contribution to this second major championship in Dayton, and to our many private donors this year. Overall donations, which amounted to the equivalent of four divisions' prize funds in 2007, are down significantly this year, and pay for only two. We are nonetheless happy to be able to offer a Division 5 prize fund that is between 2007 and 2008 values on a per player basis, prize funds for Divisions 2, 3 and 4 which are between 2007 and 2008 gross values and awarding the 2009 National Scrabble Champion the top prize of $10,000.
In addition, all division winners will receive personalized commemorative boards designed by Kelly Smith.
Inquiries concerning the allocation of the prize fund should be directed to this year’s budget committee, consisting of John Chew and Mary Rhoades, preferably after the conclusion of the Championship.
Complete lists of prizewinners by division are available at this web site: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, Division 4 and Division 5.
Congratulations to 2009 National SCRABBLE Champion Dave Wiegand.
The following chart shows the prizes that will be awarded in each division. “Pick” indicates that the winner can choose one from the following pool of prizes: 9 Scrabylon DVDs, 6 sets of Protiles, 2 copies of the book Letterati, and 1 Luise Shafritz quilted board cover.
Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 | Division 4 | Division 5 | |
1st Place | $10,000 & Kelly Smith board | $4,000 & Kelly Smith board | $3,000 & Kelly Smith board | $2,000 & Kelly Smith board | $1,000 & Kelly Smith board |
2nd Place | $5,000 | $1,250 | $1,000 | $750 | $500 |
3rd Place | $2,000 | $700 | $600 | $500 | $400 |
4th Place | $1,000 | $600 | $500 | $400 | $300 |
5th Place | $600 | $500 | $450 | $350 | $200 |
6th Place | $500 | $400 | $400 | $300 | Sam Kantimathi Board |
7th Place | $400 | $350 | $350 | $250 | pick |
8th Place | $300 | $300 | $300 | $200 | pick |
9th Place | $250 | Sam Kantimathi Board | $250 | Sam Kantimathi Board | pick |
10th Place | $200 | pick | $200 | pick | - |
11th Place | Sam Kantimathi Board | pick | Sam Kantimathi Board | pick | - |
12th Place | pick | pick | pick | pick | - |
13th Place | pick | - | pick | - | - |
1st Class | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board |
2nd Class | SamTimer | SamTimer | SamTimer | SamTimer | SamTimer |
3rd Class | pick | pick | pick | pick | pick |
Last Ten Places | - | - | - | - | Mike Baron Cheat Sheet |
Last Place | Mary Krizan Tile Bag | Mary Krizan Tile Bag | Mary Krizan Tile Bag | Mary Krizan Tile Bag | Mary Krizan Tile Bag |
High Win | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
High Loss | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
Low Win | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
High Play | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
Tuff Luck | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $25 |
Best Record, Lower Half, Day 3 | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board |
Best Record, Lower Half, Day 4 | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board | Sam Kantimathi Board |
High “NSC” Words | Mike Baron Word Book (3 copies) | ||||
Best Earth Word | - | Peter Schwartzman Word Nerd CD Book | Peter Schwartzman Word Nerd CD Book | Peter Schwartzman Word Nerd CD Book | Peter Schwartzman Word Nerd CD Book |
This page was last edited on 9 August 2009, at 19:16. Privacy policy
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