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Additions and corrections to these listings will only be accepted if they are sent by the director in charge of the tournament concerned. They should be emailed to the NASPA Tournament Committee.

Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $30
Deadline for registration is January 10, 2025.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr 512 775-5243
Jim Hughes 512 970-6578
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday1:00 P.M.4 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Entry Fee: $20
Fees cover expenses, ratings, and cash prizes.
Details: Deadline for registration is January 4, 2025. See Florence club page at for options to pay electronically..
Location: Pathways Co-Housing Common House
Address: 25 Mountain Lauel Path, Florence, MA 01062
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Ben Greenwoodc/o 25 Mountain Laurel Path, Florence, MA 01062 
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 01/09/25.
Location: Princeton Forrestal Village Food Court
Address: 110 Rockingham Row, Princeton, NJ 08540
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
20 fee can be pd at venue; food purchase is required.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., San Franciso, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward De Guzman (415) 579-3372
Accessible to the disabled.
regis at door; meet at lower level food court; seating near izzy & wooks.
Medina Tourney Benefiting the ACLU Foundation.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Modified Round Robin if <= 12 players - Modified Portland Swiss if > 12 players.
Entry Fee: $40
Limited to 16 players. $40 if you reserve your spot by Jan 16 - $50 cash at the door if space available.
Location: Home of Dan and Joyce Stock
Address: 1168 N. Jefferson St - Unit 26, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: (330) 952-1832
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Daniel Stock1168 N. Jefferson St - Unit 26, Medina, OH 44256(330) 952-1832
Joyce Stock  
In honor of Martin Luther King Day weekend, all but $20 from each entry fee will be donated to the ACLU Foundation. See flier for more details.
15th Annual PTCT Charity Tournament.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday6:00 P.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Limited to 30 players.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Limited to 50 players. NWL and Collins (5 points per word challenge).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: A donation (in any amount) to our charity partner, The Duke Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy (PTCT) Family Support Program. Suggested donation: $100 Please make all checks payable to "Duke PTCT Family Support".
Details: Registration Deadline: 1/17/2025.
Unrated Tournament
Sunday2:00 P.M.3 rounds
Format: Speed Pairings followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: A donation (in any amount) to our charity partner, The Duke Pediatric Transplant and Cellular Therapy (PTCT) Family Support Program. Suggested donation: $40 Please make all checks payable to "Duke PTCT Family Support".
Details: Registration Deadline: 1/19/2025. Open to unrated players only.
Location: Duke Ambulatory Surgery Center
Address: 2400 Pratt St, Durham, NC 27705
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
David Klionsky6909 Sandringham Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613(919) 699-9831
Andy Hoang324 Wedgemere St, Cary, NC 27519(919) 946-2583
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.9 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
16 players for this event.
Entry Fee: $125
Entry Fee includes lunch.
Location: Private Residence
Address: Provided to attendees -- Scarsdale, NY
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Mack Meller (845) 208-1504
Accessible to the disabled.
Night Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday6:00 P.M.4 rounds
players are paired round by round.
Entry Fee: $5
10 dollars cash at the door; please email andy by wed to be eligible for $5.
Location: Wegmn's Charlottesville
Address: 100 Wegmans Way, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Clay Daniel  
Barry Keith  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Monday9:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $125
Commuter Fee: $55
Registration Deadline: 1/30/25. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
FridayNoon5 rounds
Format: Round Robin
NWL only - Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 1/30/25. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Location: Resorts Hotel and Casino
Address: Boardwalk at North Carolina Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: 609-340-6300
Hotel Rate: See flyer
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jason Keller  
Connie Creed  
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
TBD by director--cap on number of attendees: 32.
Entry Fee: $35
free if it is the player's first NASPA event.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
Entry Fee: $25
free if it is player's first NASPA event.
Location: Auburn Univ. Draughton Lib., Reading Rm
Address: 231 Mell St., Auburn, AL 36849
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Eric Harshbarger (334) 821-6616
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday10:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Entry Fee: $20
Location: Key Vista Clubhouse
Address: 2530 Key Vista Blvd., Holiday, FL 34691
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Chauncey Patton  
Accessible to the disabled.
Cap on no. of attendees: 18.
Night Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday6:00 P.M.4 rounds
Entry Fee: $5
$5 in advance or $10 at door; email andy by wed.
Location: Wegmn's Charlottesville
Address: 100 Wegmans Way, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Clay Daniel  
Barry Keith  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
SaturdayNoon5 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Entry Fee: $25
Fees cover expenses, ratings, and cash prizes.
Details: Must pay by previous Sunday to guarantee a playing spot. See Florence club page at for options to pay electronically..
Location: Pathways Co-Housing Common House
Address: 25 Mountain Lauel Path, Florence, MA 01062
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Ben Greenwoodc/o 25 Mountain Laurel Path, Florence, MA 01062 
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
SundayNoon6 rounds
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated). Format based on divisions.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 555 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $25 (CAN)
Registration Deadline - 2/8/25. Limited to 24 players.
Details: Free entry for 1st-time CSW players.
Location: Siboire Notre-Dame
Address: 3734 Notre-Dame St, W Montreal, Quebec H4C 1P7
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Josh Sokol  
Night Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday6:00 P.M.4 rounds
Entry Fee: $5
$5 in advance or $10 at door; email andy by wed.
Location: Wegmn's Charlottesville
Address: 100 Wegmans Way, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Clay Daniel  
Barry Keith  
Accessible to the disabled.
The Medina Weaselly Peony.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Registration - 8:55 to 9:15 - Games 1-3 start promptly at 9:30. Walk-ins must arrive by 9:00.
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
One division. Modified Round Robin if <= 12 players - Modified Portland Swiss if > 12 players.
Entry Fee: $20
Limited to 16 players. $20 if you reserve your spot by Feb 13 - $30 cash at the door if space available.
Location: Home of Dan and Joyce Stock
Address: 1168 N. Jefferson St - Unit 26, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: (330) 952-1832
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Daniel Stock1168 N. Jefferson St - Unit 26, Medina, OH 44256(330) 952-1832
Joyce Stock  
Venue is a private residence, not fully handicapped accessible (one step up and non-ADA restrooms).
Open Rated Tournament
SaturdayNoon6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6 followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $25
Location: Kairos United Church of Christ
Address: 4790 SE Logus Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Mike Baker (971) 258-7775
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 02/13/25.
Location: Princeton Forrestal Village Food Court
Address: 110 Rockingham Row, Princeton, NJ 08540
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Entry Fee: $100
Registration deadline is February 10, 2025. Players must pre-register and pay ahead, no cash can be accepted at the venue.
Main Event 2
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday6 rounds
Location: Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Center
Address: 16760 Bass Road Fort Myers, Florida 33908
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jennifer Tomlinson15012 Bonare Rd Fort Myers, Florida 33908239 464-7200
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8 with a King-of-the-Hill
Limited to 32 players. NWL & Collins (5 points per word penalty).
Details: No. of games remaining only. can lose but still be 1/2 game ahead.
Entry Fee: $35
Location: AlexRenew
Address: 1800 Limerick St., Alexandria, VA 22314
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Donna Biderman526 Gibbon St., Alexandria, VA 22314(703) 966-5434
Ted Gest, Mentor Director  
Carole Denton  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Sunday10:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 12-14 with a King-of-the-Hill
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Details: Gibson rule in effect based on number of games remaining plus spread (500 points per round remaining).
Entry Fee: $100
100.00 minimum donation.
Details: Limited to 44 players. Deadline for registration is February 1, 2025.
Unrated Tournament
Sunday2:00 P.M.3 rounds
Format: Speed Pairings followed by King-of-the-Hill
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Entry Fee: $30
30.00 minimum donation.
Details: Limited to 24 players. Deadline for registration is February 8, 2025.
Location: Scrabble Schoolhouse
Address: Rappahannock Senior Center, 111 Scrabble Road, Castleton, VA 22716
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Accessible to the disabled.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Thursday11:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 250 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $30 (CAN)/$25 (US)
Registration Deadline: 2/26/2025.
Early Bird 2
Open Rated Tournament
Friday11:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 250 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $30 (CAN)/$25 (US)
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Friday7:30 P.M.3 rounds
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.4 rounds
Swiss-COP pairings. NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 250 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $150 (CAN)/$120 (US)
Registration Deadline: 2/27/2025. Commuter Fee $40 CDN ($30 USD).
Location: Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
Address: 407 North Front St, Belleville, ON K8P 3C8
Phone: (613) 962-9211
Hotel Rate: $159 CDN ($115 USD) + taxes
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Kieran O'Connor  
Josh Greenway  
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the 2025 Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Night Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday6:00 P.M.4 rounds
Entry Fee: $5
$5 in advance or $10 at door; email andy by wed.
Location: Wegmn's Charlottesville
Address: 100 Wegmans Way, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Clay Daniel  
Barry Keith  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Entry Fee: $35
Location: Harvey-Mitchell Memorial Library
Address: 151 Main St., Epping, NH 03042
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Ed Liebfried19 Cricket Hill Rd., East Kingston, NH 03827(603) 717-6153
Accessible to the disabled.
Kath Mullholand, 2nd director.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: All players must pay and be registered by 9:45 am on the day of the event.
Saturday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6 followed by King-of-the-Hill
Groups that are larger than eight will have a modified swwiss pairing with KOH.
Entry Fee: $35
Details: see flyer.
Location: Packer Hall
Address: 966 Trinity Lane, King of Prussia, PA 19406
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Linda Oliva 443340-8469
David Engelhardt 4435069327
Accessible to the disabled.
Jack Bostian Memorial Scrabble Tournament.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $50
Registration Deadline: 2/27/25. $10 late fee for registrations received after Feb 27.
Location: Silver Spring Civic Building
Address: 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Phone: (240) 777-5350
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Ted Gest6221 Western Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20015(202) 966-5215
Carole Denton7323 Sara St, New Carrollton, Maryland 20784(301) 412-5605
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Entry Fee: $35
back to back one day tournaments: Sat and Sun.
Location: Harvey-Mitchell Memorial Library
Address: 151 Main St., Epping, NH 03042
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Ed Liebfried19 Cricket Hill Rd., East Kingston, NH 03827(603) 717-6153
Kath Mullholand  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
20 fee can be pd at venue; food purchase is required.
Details: reg at door at 11 a.m.;meet at Mall (lower level food court) seating near Noo bowl.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., SF, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward de Guzman (415) 579-3372
Accessible to the disabled.
regis closes at 11, followed by 1st rd; contact dir if running late.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8 with a King-of-the-Hill
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Details: Gibson rule in effect, based on number of games remaining plus spread (500 points per game remaining).
Entry Fee: $50
Limited to 24 players. Deadline for registration is March 1, 2025.
Details: Email ahoang2k8 to register.
Location: C-Ville Scrabble Clubhouse
Address: 801 Walker Square, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.6 rounds
Limited to 48 players - NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - minimum of 4 players required)).
Details: "Zap" pairings - modified round-robin groups of 12-20.
Entry Fee: $70
$70 if payment & registration received by 2/27 - $80 if received by 3/6 - $90 cash only at door if space available.
Details: Check in by 9:15 on Saturday.
Location: Holiday Inn Express and Suites
Address: 5185 Gateway Dr, Medina, OH 44256
Phone: (330) 722-6006
Hotel Rate: $120+tax if reserved by February 8
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Daniel Stock1168 N Jefferson St Unit 26, Medina, OH 44256(330) 952-1832
Joyce Stock  
Accessible to the disabled.
All attendees should be fully vaccinated for COVID per the latest CDC recommendations.
Details: Trivia contest Saturday night to be run by Jason Idalski (extra charge).
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday9:00 A.M.4 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6 followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $10
Limited to 12 players.
Location: Darien
Address: Provided on registration Darien, CT 06820
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Cornelia Guest32 Kingswood Dr. Bethel, CT 06801(917) 673-3727
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday9:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $25
Please contact Jennifer to confirm registration (up to two days before the event).
Location: East County Regional Library
Address: 881 Gunnery Rd N. Lehigh Acres, FL 33971
Phone: (239) 533-4200
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jennifer Tomlinson15012 Bonaire Cir. Fort Myers, FL 3390812394647200
John Dalida  
Accessible to the disabled.
There is no designated lunch break. Participants may bring a snack or bagged lunch and drinks as per special permission from the library.
Poughkeepsie Scrabble Tournament.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Details: The Early Bird will be held in the lobby of the Courtyard Marriott Poughkeepsie, 2641 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY. (845) 485-6336.
Friday11:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL and Collins. Collins penalty 5 points per word.
Entry Fee: $50
Register by 11:15 AM on March 14.
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.6 rounds
Chew pairings. NWL and Collins. Collins penalty 5 points per word. Collins division will also be WESPA-rated.
Details: Gibson rule in effect, number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $130
Deadline for entries is March 7, 2025.
Unrated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.3 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
Newcomers' tournament is unrated.
Details: NASPA Word List (NWL).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration on the day is OK if there is room.
Location: Locust Grove
Address: 2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602
Phone: (845) 454-4500
Hotel Rate: Depends on hotel selected. (will be on flyer)
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Cornelia Guest32 Kingswood Drive, Bethel, CT 06801(914) 772-6535
Accessible to the disabled.
Pairing method may change depending on number of entries.
Details: SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the 2025 Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday1:00 P.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.4 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5-point per word penalty - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 600 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $50 (CAN)
Registration Deadline: 3/14/2025.
Location: Black Donald Lake Cottage
Address: Private Cottage - Calabogie, ON K0J 1H0
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Josh Sokol  
Jackson Smylie  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Gibsonization based on number of games plus 500 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $35
Registration Deadline: 3/15/2025.
Location: Avioq
Address: 76 TW Alexander Dr, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Lisa Perry (984) 212-0436
Donna Biderman  
Accessible to the disabled.
2025 Collegiate Scrabble Championship.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Gibsonization based on number of games plus 1000 points per game remaining.
Registration Deadline: 3/7/25. Entry Fee: $31.80 (includes sales tax).
Details: Open to all NASPA members in good standing.
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Gibsonization based on number of games plus 1000 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $116
Commuter Fee: $34
Registration Deadline: 3/7/25. Limited to 60 participants - must be NASPA members.
Details: Open only to current college students, including graduate/professional/medical/law/etc school students.
Location: Fairfield Inn Lexington North
Address: 2100 Hackney Place, Lexington, KY 40511
Hotel Rate: $129 per night with group rate
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Fred Morlan (859) 230-9925
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the 2025 Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Details: Free soft drinks, water, and snacks will be made available.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: 3/21/25.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: (512) 775-5243
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr (512) 775-5243
Jim Hughes  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 03/20/25.
Location: Princeton Forrestal Village Food Court
Address: 110 Rockingham Row, Princeton, NJ 08540
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
TBD by director.
Entry Fee: $35
35 fee free if it is player's first NASPA Event.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
TBD by director.
Entry Fee: $25
25 fee is free if this is first NASPA event for player.
Location: Auburn Univ, draughton lib, news room
Address: 231 Mell St, Auburn, AL 36849
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Eric Harshbarger (334) 821-6616
Accessible to the disabled.
ATX March 23 Open.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Director reserves the right to make changes to ensure a smoothly functioning tournament.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 3/22/2025.
Location: Pat's Games
Address: 2308 Hancock Dr, Austin, TX 78756
Phone: (512) 970-6578
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jim Hughes (512) 970-6578
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Games begin promptly at 10:30 am.
Sunday10:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin
We'll take a short (15-20 minute) break after round 2. Players are encouraged to bring a lunch or snack for themselves or to share as there won't be time to leave the venue. There is a kitchenette with refrigerator on site.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 750 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $25
Location: Key Vista Clubhouse
Address: 2530 Key Vista Blvd Holiday, FL 34691
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Chauncey Patton (402) 213-5957
Accessible to the disabled.
Limited to 18 players.
Texas State Scrabble Championship.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday2:00 P.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
NWL and Collins. Collins penalty double challenge.
Entry Fee: $40
5.00 discount if also playing in main event (pay 130.00 for both).
Details: If paying by check, go to email for address. See flyer for alternate methods of payment. Deadline for registration is March 30, 2025.
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
NWL and Collins. Collins penalty double challenge.
Entry Fee: $95
If paying by check, go to email for address. See flyer for alternate methods of payment. Deadline for registration is March 30, 2025.
Details: NWL Division 1, or the "CHAMPIONSHIP DIVISION" is limited to "TEXANS". To be classified as a Texan you must meet at least one of the following requireants:1,Current Texas resident. 2.Born in Texas 3.Has played in at least 10 past Texas State championships. If a player does not meet these criteria, they are ineligible for the championship Division.
Location: Coates Chapel
Address: 300 Augusta Street, San Antonio, TX 78205
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Matt Canik (512) 912-6766
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge).
Details: Gibsonization based upon number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $35
Registration Deadline: 4/4/25. Limited to 48 players.
Location: AlexRenew
Address: 1800 Limerick St, Alexandria, VA 22314
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Donna Biderman526 Gibbon St, Alexandria, VA 22314(703) 966-5434
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday10:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6 followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $25
25 if dressed in business casual; otherwise $40.
Location: C-Ville Scrabble Clubhouse
Address: 801 Walker Square, Charlottesville,, VA 22903
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:15 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin
Limited to 24 players. Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 4/11/2025.
Location: Oakwood Manor
Address: 3330 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, FL 34237
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jennifer Tomlinson15012 Bonaire Circle, Fort Myers, FL 33908(239) 464-7200
Chauncey Patton (402) 213-5957
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Registration opens at 10:30.
Sunday11:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
Limited to 12 players - 1 division.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 750 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $50
Contact Jay Levin to register and pay.
Details: Lunch provided - Make-your-own sandwiches. Water & soda provided.
Location: Home of Jay Levin
Address: 191 Griggs Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666
Phone: 201-575-0288
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole  
Jay Levin (contact Jay to register) 201-575-0288
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Thursday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Friday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss
NWL and Collins (5-point challenge - also WESPA-rated) - NWL offered if at least 6 registrants.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 500 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $230 (CAN)/$160 (US)
Registration Deadline: 4/14/2025.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss
NWL and Collins (5-point challenge - also WESPA-rated) - NWL offered if at least 4 registrants.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 500 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $55 (CAN)/$40 (US)
Registration Deadline: 4/14/2025.
Location: Iberostar Origin Bella Costa
Address: Las Americas km 3, Varadero , Matanzas 42200 CUBA
Phone: (534) 566-8174 ext. 5510
Hotel Rate: $65 USD per night single/$50 USD pp per night double. Rate available April 12-22
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Tony Leah3 Cypress St, Toronto, ON M9N3E7(416) 471-7005
Resort does not offer accessible rooms.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
TBD by director.
Entry Fee: $35
$35 fee is free if it is the 1st event for player.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
TBD by director.
Entry Fee: $30
$30 fee is free if this is first NASPA event for player.
Location: Aubrn Un. Draughton Lib, Reading Room
Address: 231 Mell St., Auburn, AL 36849
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Eric Harshbarger (334) 821-6616
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Friday7:30 P.M.3 rounds
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin and King-of-the-Hill
NWL only. Gibsonization based on 750 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $125
Limited to 62 players.
Location: Bridge Studio of Delaware
Address: 1403 Foulk Road, Wilmington, DE 19803
Phone: (302) 479-5431
Hotel Rate: See Flyer
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Richard Popper1593 Shadybrook Road, Wilmington, DE 19803(302) 562-8758
Judy Cole  
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $50
50$ before 4/12; 55$ after -- no walk ins.
Location: South Lyon First Methodist Church
Address: 640 S. Lafayette St., South Lyon, MI 48178
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jeff Fiszbein8390 Mallard Crossing, Brighton, MI 48116(248) 310-4257
Jason Idalski  
Accessible to the disabled.
masking per CDC recomendations.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday8:30 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin
NWL & Collins - Double challenge for both lexicons.
Details: Gibsonization based upon games and spread of 1000 per round remaining.
Entry Fee: $55
Registration Deadline: 4/6/2025. Includes pizza lunch.
Unrated Tournament
Sunday8:30 A.M.3 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss
Entry Fee: $20
Registration Deadline: 4/6/2025.
Location: Noah Webster's House & Historical Soc
Address: 227 South Main St, West Hartford, CT 06107
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Beth Mix390 Gardner St, Manchester, CT 06040(860) 328-8654
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5-point per word penalty - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 1000 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: 5/1/2025. Registration discounted to $120 for Bluegrass Scrabble Club members & players staying at host hotel.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Friday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss
NWL & Collins (5-point per word penalty - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 1000 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $32
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Monday9:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss
NWL & Collins (5-point per word penalty - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 1000 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $32
Location: Fairfield Inn & Suites - Lexington North
Address: 2100 Hackney Pl, Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: (859) 977-5870
Hotel Rate: $129 per night plus tax
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Fred Morlan (859) 230-9925
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 05/01/25.
Location: Princeton Forrestal Village Food Court
Address: 110 Rockingham Row, Princeton, NJ 08540
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
20 fee can be paid at door; food purchase is required.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., San Franciso, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward De Guzman (415) 579-3372
Accessible to the disabled.
regis at door; meet at lower level food court; seating near izzy & wooks.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: 5/9/25.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: (512) 775-5243
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr (512) 775-5243
Jim Hughes  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Please arrive by 11:30 for Noon start of play.
SaturdayNoon6 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
NWL & Collins - 5 points per word challenge.
Entry Fee: $20
Limited to 28 players. Pay at the door.
Details: Walk-ins welcome if space remains - advance notice of plans to attend appreciated.
Location: New Life Church
Address: 6521 188th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Chris Sjoholm  
Accessible to the disabled.
Knoxville Annual Spring/Summer Tournament.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
Gibsonization based on number of game remaining plus spread TBD.
Entry Fee: $100
Location: Anderson County Fairgrounds Main Bldg
Address: 213 Nave St, Clinton, TN 37716
Phone: (865) 466-3243
Hotel Rate: Hotel info will be added to flyer once available
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Vicki Blizzard1128 Farrington Dr, Knoxville, Tennessee 37923(865) 680-2659
Bob Frey424 Hicks Circle, Clinton, TN 37716865-466-3243
Eric Harshbarger  
Ruchi Gupta  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Monday9:30 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
NWL and Collins, 5 point challenge penalty in Collins. Collins will be WESPA rated.
Details: Gibson rule in effect, based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $200 (CAN)
Entry fee is CAD 200 if paid by May 1, 2025. Deadline for registration is May 16, 2025.
Location: Niagara Falls Convention Centre
Address: 6815 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls ON L2G3Y9
Phone: (905) 357-6222
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Sue Tremblay2651 Forks of the Credit Road, Caledon, ON L7K2J8(519) 278-6373
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the 2025 Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Round Robin and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5-point per word penalty - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 750 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $150
Registration Deadline: 5/21/2025. Includes breakfast and lunch each day.
Location: The Manhattan Games Center
Address: 110 East 55th St, New York, NY 10022
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Limited to 32 players. NWL & Collins (5 points per word penalty).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $35
Location: AlexRenew
Address: 1800 Limerick St., Alexandria, VA 22314
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Donna Biderman526 Gibbon St., Alexandria, VA 22314(703) 966-5434
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Lexicons to be used, NWL, Collins, School Scrabble. Collins penalty 5 points per word challenged.
Details: Gibson rule in effect, determined by number of games plus spread (1000 pts per round remaining).
Entry Fee: $45
5.00 discount if paid electronically.
Details: Deadline for registration is May 28, 2025.
Location: Eastbank Jefferson Parish Library
Address: 4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie, LA 70001
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Austin Shin  
Lindsay Shin  
Lila Crotty  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge).
Entry Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 06/05/25.
Location: Princeton Forrestal Village Food Court
Address: 110 Rockingham Row, Princeton, NJ 08540
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Judy Cole48 Flamehill Rd, Levittown, PA 19056508-423-6164
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
TBD by director--Main Event & Late Bird NASPA Word List.
Entry Fee: $35
registration is free if it is the player's first NASPA tournament.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
TBD by director-NASPA word list.
Entry Fee: $25
$25 free if it is player's first NASPA tournament.
Location: Auburn Univ. Draughton Lib., Reading Rm
Address: 231 Mell St., Auburn, AL 36849
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Eric Harshbarger (334) 821-6616
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $100
Registration and Refund Deadline: 6/4/25.
Location: Preferred Family Health Care
Address: 710 S Maiden Lane Ave, Joplin, MO 64801
Phone: (417) 317-3113
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Paul MulikP O Box 805, Joplin, MO 64802(417) 317-3113
Accessible to the disabled.
Vaccinations not required - masks optional.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin and King-of-the-Hill
NWL and Collins. Collins penalty 5 points per word.
Details: Gibson rule in effect, based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $25
Deadline for registration is June 6, 2025.
Location: First Parish Lexington
Address: 7 Harrington Road, Lexington, MA 02420
Phone: (781) 296-3787
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jacob Bergmann9 Tavern Lane, Lexington, MA 02421(781) 296-3787
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.10 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format as specified in flyer.
Details: NASPA Word List. Gibson rule in effect, based on games remaining plus spread (500 points per game remaining).
Entry Fee: $199
Registration deadine, April 21, 2025. Limited to 24 players.
Location: C-Ville Scrabble Clubhouse
Address: 801 Walker Sq., Charlottesville, VA 22903
Hotel Rate: Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites, Highway 19, $115 plus taxes/fees per night. See flyer for details
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Accessible to the disabled.
The Longest Day Scrabble Tournament.
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $60
Registration Deadline - 6/13/25. Registration at 9:30; free pastries and drinks.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday10:00 A.M.4 rounds
Format: Round Robin and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline - 6/13/25. Registration at 9:30; free pastries and drinks.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday2:00 P.M.3 rounds
Format: Round Robin
1/3 rated.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $20
Registration Deadline - 6/13/25. Registration at 1:30.
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday10:00 A.M.3 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $20
Newcomers 2
Open Rated Tournament
Tuesday2:00 P.M.3 rounds
Format: Round Robin
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $20
Registration at 1:30.
Location: Edmond Town Hall
Address: 45 Main St., Newtown, CT 06470
Phone: (203) 270-4285
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Cornelia Guest32 Kingswood Dr.,Bethel, CT(914) 772-6535
Golden Triangle Scrabble Tournament.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
TBD for larger groups.
Entry Fee: $50 (CAN)
NASPA Word List (NWL) Collins; Collins Div. 10 pts per word (penalty).
Details: send full name and lexicon to Chris; etransfer to same email is preferred method of pmt.
Location: David Durward Centre
Address: 62 Dickson St., Cambridge, Ontario N1R1T8
Phone: (519) 740-4681 Ext. 4360
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Christopher Sykes (226) 792-7082
Accessible to the disabled.
Steeltown Scrabble Showdown.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin or Modified Round Robin
NASPA Word List (NWL).
Entry Fee: Division All: $35, Division All: .
$35 if paid by June 16, otherwise $45 cash at the door.
Details: Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Location: Green Tree Fire Hall
Address: 825 Poplar Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Phone: (412)580-1357
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Tom Chang (412)580-1357
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: All players must be paid and registered by 9:45 am on the day of the event.
Saturday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Entry Fee: $35
Registration deadline is Friday, June 27, 2025. Players must pre-register - cash can be accepted at the venue.
Location: Packer Hall
Address: 966 Trinity Lane, King of Prussia, PA 19406
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Linda Oliva 4433408469
David J Engelhardt 4108250613
Accessible to the disabled.
There are several steps to the venue but an elevator is available. Please contact directors for help using the elevator.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Registration must be completed by June 26, 2025.
Location: Jefferson County Library, Northwest Bran
Address: 5680 State Road PP, H9igh Ridge, MO 63049
Phone: 636 677 8186
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Paul Mulik 417 317-3113
Accessible to the disabled.
Brian Summers is the host of the event. All questions regarding registration and hotel lodging should be addressed to Brian at
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: 7/11/25.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: (512) 775-5243
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr (512) 775-5243
Jim Hughes  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
TBD by director--Main Event & Late Bird NASPA Word List.
Details: c.
Entry Fee: $35
registration is free if it is the player's first NASPA tournament.
Details: Deadline for registration is July 10, 2025. Limited to 32 players.
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday1:00 P.M.5 rounds
TBD by director-NASPA word list.
Entry Fee: $25
$25 free if it is player's first NASPA tournament.
Location: Auburn Univ. Draughton Lib., Reading Rm
Address: 231 Mell St., Auburn, AL 36849
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Eric Harshbarger (334) 821-6616
Accessible to the disabled.
ATX July 13 Open.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Director reserves the right to make changes to ensure a smoothly functioning tournament.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 7/12/2025.
Location: Pat's Games
Address: 2308 Hancock Dr, Austin, TX 78756
Phone: (512) 970-6578
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jim Hughes (512) 970-6578
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
entry fee can be paid at door; food purchase is required.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., San Franciso, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward De Guzman  
Accessible to the disabled.
regis at door; meet at lower level food court; seating near izzy & wooks.
New Princeton Scrabble Classic.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
FridayNoon5 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-10
NASPA Word List (NWL) and Collins.
Details: Gibson Rule in Effect - based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $40
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.7 rounds
Sunday10:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Portland Swiss followed by King-of-the-Hill
NASPA Word List (NWL) and Collins.
Details: Gibson Rule in Effect - based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $150
Entry fee for main event includes a Saturday afternoon snack, Sunday morning breakfast, and coffee and beverages service.
Location: Westin Princeton at Forrestal Village
Address: 201 Village Blvd, Princeton, NJ 08540
Hotel Rate: $159 per night (plus applicable taxes)
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jason Keller465 Meadow Road Apartment 7304, Princeton, NJ 085407328416402
Accessible to the disabled.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
FridayNoon4 rounds
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated). Up to 16 players per division.
Details: Gibsonization based upon games and spread of 1000 per round remaining.
Entry Fee: $20
Main Event
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Top 2 players in NWL and Collins Div 1 after Round 28 will compete in best-of-5 playoff beginning at 10:15 A.M.
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Monday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Tuesday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Wednesday9:00 A.M.3 rounds
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based upon games and spread of 1000 per round remaining.
Entry Fee: $250
Commuter Fee: $100
Registration Deadline: 7/21/25. Youth (under 18) Registration Fee: $125.
Details: Fee increases by $50 after 6/15/25 and by another $75 if registration is accepted after 7/21..
Late Bird
Open Rated Tournament
Thursday10:00 A.M.4 rounds
NWL & Collins (5 points per word challenge - also WESPA-rated). Up to 16 players per division.
Details: Gibsonization based upon games and spread of 1000 per round remaining.
Entry Fee: $20
Location: Live! Casino & Hotel Maryland
Address: 7002 Arundel Mills, Circle #7777, Hanover, MD 21076
Phone: 1-855-5MD-LIVE
Hotel Rate: $159 per night (plus applicable taxes)
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Art Moore  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:30 A.M.
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
NWL and Collins. Collins penalty is 5 points per word.
Details: Gibson rule in effect based on number of games remaining.
Entry Fee: $60 (CAN)
Limited to 52 players. Deadline for registration is September 5, 2025.
Location: The Knights of Columbus
Address: 93 Morgan Street, Stratford, ON N5A7V2
Phone: (519) 272-9700
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Allen Pengelly  
Terry Aitken  
John Dungey  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
20 fee can be pd at venue; food purchase is required.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., San Franciso, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward De Guzman (415) 579-3372
Accessible to the disabled.
regis closes at 11, followed by 1st rd; contact dir if running late; seating near IZZY and WOOKS.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: 9/12/25.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: (512) 775-5243
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr (512) 775-5243
Jim Hughes  
Accessible to the disabled.
Steve Haraske Memorial Scrabble Tournament.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.8 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8 with a King-of-the-Hill
Entry Fee: $50
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday10:00 A.M.4 rounds
RR Groups of 4 plus 1 KOTH.
Entry Fee: $25
equipment will be supplied for newcomers.
Location: Bennett Memorial Park
Address: 14 Shelter Rock Rd., Bethel, CT 06801
Phone: (914) 772-6535
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Cornelia Guest32 Kingswood Dr., Bethel, CT(914) 772-6535
Accessible to the disabled.
ATX September 14 Open.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday9:30 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
Director reserves the right to make changes to ensure a smoothly functioning tournament.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 9/13/2025.
Location: Pat's Games
Address: 2308 Hancock Dr, Austin, TX 78756
Phone: (512) 970-6578
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jim Hughes (512) 970-6578
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.8 rounds
Sunday9:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss or Round-Robin followed by King-of-the-Hill
Limited to 52 players.
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games plus 500 points per game remaining.
Entry Fee: $125
Early discount registration fee of $125 for 1st 24 players to register by June 30.
Details: $25 discount to 2025 President Cup participants.
Location: Eastwood Village Clubhouse
Address: 1312 Two Mile Circle East Wilmington, NC 28405
Hotel Rate: Group Rate at the Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites just a few minutes down the road from the venue. $119 a night + taxes/fees. See flyer for details
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Andy Hoang  
Bruce Shuman  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Details: Check in, coffee, doughnuts, 8:45-9:15. Games start at 9:30 am.
Saturday8:45 A.M.7 rounds
NWL and Collins (five point challenge penalty) - Divisions and format at director's discretion, based on attendance.
Entry Fee: Division All: $45, Division All: .
$35 if registered and paid by September 13, 2025. $45 if paid after September 13.
Details: Deadline for registration is October 7, 2025.
Location: Scioto Valley Christian Church
Address: 7855 Dublin Road Dublin, Ohio 43017
Phone: (614) 531-0163
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Dallas Johnson4880 Heights Drive Stow, Ohio 44224(330) 697-5728
Accessible to the disabled.
Limited to 40 players.
Open Rated Tournament
Sunday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 6-8
Entry Fee: $20
20 fee can be pd at venue; food purchase is required.
Location: San Francisco Centre Mall
Address: 865 Market St., San Franciso, CA 94103
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Edward De Guzman (415) 579-3372
Accessible to the disabled.
regis at door; meet at lower level food court; seating near izzy & wooks.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday9:00 A.M.7 rounds
Format: Round Robin groups of 8
Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: 11/07/25.
Location: Austin Bible Church
Address: 8405 Cross Park Drive. Austin, Texas 78754
Phone: (512) 775-5243
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Bob Bolender, Jr (512) 775-5243
Jim Hughes  
Accessible to the disabled.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Monday9:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $125
Commuter Fee: $55
Registration Deadline: 1/29/26. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
FridayNoon5 rounds
Format: Round Robin
NWL only - Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 1/29/26. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Location: Resorts Hotel and Casino
Address: Boardwalk at North Carolina Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: 609-340-6300
Hotel Rate: See flyer
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jason Keller  
Connie Creed  
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.
Boards on the Boardwalk.
Open Rated Tournament
Saturday11:00 A.M.6 rounds
Sunday9:30 A.M.8 rounds
Monday9:30 A.M.5 rounds
Format: Modified Swiss and King-of-the-Hill
NWL & Collins (5 point per word challenge - also WESPA-rated).
Details: Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $125
Commuter Fee: $55
Registration Deadline: 2/04/27. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Early Bird
Open Rated Tournament
FridayNoon5 rounds
Format: Round Robin
NWL only - Gibsonization based on number of games remaining only.
Entry Fee: $40
Registration Deadline: 2/04/27. Contact Connie Creed to register or to make inquiries.
Location: Resorts Hotel and Casino
Address: Boardwalk at North Carolina Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: 609-340-6300
Hotel Rate: See flyer
Director NameAddressPhoneE-mail
Jason Keller  
Connie Creed  
Accessible to the disabled.
SPC Satellite Event - A complimentary registration to the Scrabble Players Championship will be provided for every 50 players in main event.