CNSC 2008 Rules and Regulations

  1. The Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship is open to the top fifty applicants who:

    1. are as of March 3rd, 2008 Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada;
    2. are paid-up members of the National SCRABBLE® Association (NSA); and
    3. have played in NSA-sanctioned, fully-rated tournaments including a total of at least 62 games between July 1st, 2005 and January 31st, 2008 (NSA tournament directors may count tournaments directed toward half of this requirement).

    For qualification purposes, players will be ranked according to their peak NSA tournament ratings during the qualification period 2005-07-01 to 2008-01-31, as usual counting only those ratings earned after each fully-rated tournament during that period.

  2. Two additional players will qualify to play in the championship at an Early Bird tournament held on Friday, April 4th, 2008. One of the qualifying players will be the highest ranked youth player who is under 18 years of age as of the date of the Early Bird; the other will be the highest ranked player of any age. Should no youths register for the Early Bird, two adult players will qualify. Players qualifying through the Early Bird must be members of the NSA and meet the above citizenship or residency criteria, but do not need to have played in any other tournaments.
  3. The championship will be held in Toronto, Ontario from Friday, April 4th to Monday, April 7th, 2008. By entering the championship, players agree to participate in all the games to which they are assigned; and if they are one of the two finalists, agree to make themselves available for any media interviews or promotional activity described below, for a period of 48 hours after the finals on Tuesday, April 8th.

  4. All championship games will be played according to the NSA’s Official Tournament Rules as updated May 1st, 2004 and emended from time to time by NSA announcements. As stipulated in those rules, the official word references will be the Official Tournament and Club Word List, 2nd ed., (published by Merriam-Webster, Inc., and corrected in SCRABBLE® News) and Long List (published by poslfit press). Should there be any inappropriate behaviour, challenge or dispute during a championship game, such behaviour, challenge or dispute will be settled or adjudicated by the NSA and the Tournament Director. HASBRO Canada Inc. is in no way responsible for the manner in which the games are run or mediated. The NSA is responsible for overseeing the proper execution of the NSA tournament rules. Finally, all championship games must be played using the SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game boards provided by HASBRO Canada Inc. for this occasion, but players will be responsible for bringing their own tournament clocks.

  5. Cost of entry to the Championship is $75 per participant. Participants will be solely responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel and accommodations to, from and during the Championship. The prize structure will be as follows:

    First Place Winner$7,000
    Second Place Winner$2,500
    Third Place Winner$1,000
    Fourth Place Winner$500
    Fifth Place Winner$350
    Sixth Place Winner$250
    Seventh Place Winner$100
    Eighth Place Winner$100
    Ninth Place Winner$100
    Tenth Place Winner$100
    Highest Scoring Word of the Day$25 each day
    Best Daily Record$25 each day
    Michael Wise Memorial Sportsmanship AwardTBA

    Players may win at most one cash prize Should a player be eligible for two or more prizes, they will be awarded the prize listed first above, and the remaining prizes will be awarded to the next qualifying player. In the event of a tie, prizes for the top ten players will split among tied players and $25 prizes will be awarded to a tied player selected at random. The total prize pool will be $12,150.

  6. All participants (and parent/guardian if the participant is a minor) agree to acknowledge the non-responsibility of HASBRO Canada Inc., its successors and assigns, and their respective agents, including mandataries, employees, directors and officers to any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, losses, injuries, or costs of expenses which they suffer or incur as a result of, arising out of or relating to the Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship including, without limitation, travel to and from, prizes, the time spent at the Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship and any activities and entertainment associated with the Championship or any free time personal activities.

  7. By entering the Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship and accepting the above, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners (or their parent/guardian if the winner is a minor) consent to the use of their name, image (including without limitation, pictures, video images and other reproductions), voice and identity (including, without limitation, the winner’s age, occupation and address) in any promotional activity of HASBRO Canada Inc. and any related or affiliated companies, at the sole discretion of HASBRO Canada Inc., and agree that they shall not be entitled to any royalty, commission or other compensation in connection therewith. As stated at point 2, above, the 1st and 2nd place winners will make themselves available for media interviews after the Championship.

  8. No substitutions will be made for the prizes offered, and those must be accepted as awarded.

  9. The Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship is subject to all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws.

  10. In Québec, any litigation respecting the conduct and awarding of the above-listed prizes for this Championship may be submitted to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.

  11. HASBRO Canada Inc.’s employees (active or retired), its representatives or agents, the Director of the Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship and persons with whom any of these individuals are domiciled are not eligible to enter.

At registration time, you will be required to sign a copy of this document. If for any reason you anticipate that you will be unable to do so, please contact the Director to cancel your registration.

I acknowledge that I have read and will comply with both the NSA Tournament Rules as updated on May 1st, 2004 and the Official Rules and Regulations of the Sixth Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship.

Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________