CNSC 2008 RegistrationHasbro Canada will be holding the 2008 Canadian National SCRABBLE® Championship on April 4-7 in Toronto in the Austin Gallery at One King West at King St. and Yonge St. This web page describes how to qualify for and register for the 2008 CNSC. If you're interested in playing in the CNSC, you must:
The fifty players who meet the above criteria whose peak ratings (as usual counting ratings only after each fully-rated tournament) during the qualification period (2005-07-01 to 2008-01-31) are highest will be invited to play in the CNSC. If any of them are subsequently unable to play, the players with the next highest ratings will be invited to replace them. Players who pay and register but don't place high enough to play will have their entry fee cheques destroyed uncashed. Current qualification standings were updated monthly, and (errors and omissions excepted) the version posted is the final, as of the end of the qualification period. The entry fee is $75, and must be submitted in the form of a cheque payable to John Chew. If the cheque is not drawn on the registrant's account, please indicate in whose name the fee is being paid. Please send cheques to: John Chew, 9 Fulton Avenue, Toronto ON M4K 1X6. Local players can of course bring them to the Toronto SCRABBLE Club any Wednesday evening. Please attach a note giving your current e-mail address and other contact information, and your T-shirt size. This year, there will also be an Early Bird event, two of whose winners will qualify for wildcard places in the Championship. Registration information for the Early Bird will be posted here in early February. HASBRO is the owner of the registered SCRABBLE® trademark in the United States and Canada. © 2008 HASBRO. All rights reserved. "SCRABBLE Brand Crossword Game" is the proper way to refer to this unique group of word games and related properties marketed by HASBRO. "SCRABBLE" is not a generic term. To use it as such is not only misleading but also does injustice to the company responsible for the trademark's longtime popularity. All we ask is that when you mean SCRABBLE Brand Crossword Game, you say so. The SCRABBLE® trademark is owned by J.W. Spear and Sons, PLC, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc. outside of the United States and Canada.
For more information about SCRABBLE
or the NSA, or to comment on or correct the contents of this page,
please e-mail:
info@scrabble-assoc.com |