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October 21-24, 2003

Daily Coverage

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Ron Hoekstra [#71] at WSC 2003


Congratulations to the new World Champion, Panupol Sujjayakorn. Panupol beat Pakorn Nemitrmansuk in an exciting best-of-five series, 418-380, 384-495, 470-514, 446-433 and 444-387.


Background Information

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Given name(s): Ron
Surname(s): Hoekstra
Home: Kentwood, MI, United States
Age: 35
Awards: 2000 CNSC, 2001-11 Port Huron MI
Occupation: Accountant
WSC 2001 Rank: 45
WSC 2003 Team: Canada



Rank Diagram

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See Legend



High score: 575
Average for: 382
Average against: 394

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In round Round 1, Hoekstra played #69 Ricardo V Gonzalez (Gulf Champion) and lost 329 to 373 (a spread of -44).

Current ranking: #64.

Current record: 0-1, -44.

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In round Round 2, Hoekstra played #32 Ishtiaq Chishty (Saudi Arabia) and lost 340 to 385 (a spread of -45).

Current ranking: #75.

Current record: 0-2, -89.

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In round Round 3, Hoekstra played #77 Steven Gruzd (South Africa) and won 373 to 336 (a spread of 37).

Current ranking: #57.

Current record: 1-2, -52.

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In round Round 4, Hoekstra played #10 Bennet Kpentey (Ghana) and lost 331 to 418 (a spread of -87).

Current ranking: #75.

Current record: 1-3, -139.

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In round Round 5, Hoekstra played #80 Selwyn Lobo (United Arab Emirates) and won 492 to 347 (a spread of 145).

Current ranking: #52.

Current record: 2-3, +6.

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In round Round 6, Hoekstra played #18 Dennis Ikekeregor (Nigeria) and lost 285 to 435 (a spread of -150).

Current ranking: #72.

Current record: 2-4, -144.

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In round Round 7, Hoekstra played #78 Stewart Holden (England) and lost 344 to 392 (a spread of -48).

Current ranking: #78.

Current record: 2-5, -192.

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In round Round 8, Hoekstra played #29 Herve Bohbo (France) and won 416 to 300 (a spread of 116).

Current ranking: #63.

Current record: 3-5, -76.

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In round Round 9, Hoekstra played #59 Pui Cheng Wui (Malaysia) and lost 254 to 516 (a spread of -262).

Current ranking: #78.

Current record: 3-6, -338.

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In round Round 10, Hoekstra played #76 Rogelio Talosig (New Zealand) and won 402 to 354 (a spread of 48).

Current ranking: #70.

Current record: 4-6, -290.

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In round Round 11, Hoekstra played #90 Walker Willingham (Bainbridge Island, WA) and won 462 to 423 (a spread of 39).

Current ranking: #60.

Current record: 5-6, -251.

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In round Round 12, Hoekstra played #12 Ben Withers (Lake Jackson, TX) and lost 358 to 365 (a spread of -7).

Current ranking: #68.

Current record: 5-7, -258.

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In round Round 13, Hoekstra played #62 Paul Yandisha Kalumba (Zambia) and won 402 to 356 (a spread of 46).

Current ranking: #60.

Current record: 6-7, -212.

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In round Round 14, Hoekstra played #16 David Delicata (Malta) and lost 334 to 369 (a spread of -35).

Current ranking: #65.

Current record: 6-8, -247.

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In round Round 15, Hoekstra played #61 Peter Finley (England) and won 419 to 282 (a spread of 137).

Current ranking: #56.

Current record: 7-8, -110.

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In round Round 16, Hoekstra played #53 Mario Recedes (Philippines) and won 463 to 272 (a spread of 191).

Current ranking: #43.

Current record: 8-8, +81.

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In round Round 17, Hoekstra played #02 Amit Chakrabarti (Hanover, NH) and won 575 to 360 (a spread of 215).

Current ranking: #31.

Current record: 9-8, +296.

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In round Round 18, Hoekstra played #18 Dennis Ikekeregor (Nigeria) and lost 364 to 421 (a spread of -57).

Current ranking: #40.

Current record: 9-9, +239.

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In round Round 19, Hoekstra played #72 Bob Jackman (Australia) and lost 291 to 504 (a spread of -213).

Current ranking: #51.

Current record: 9-10, +26.

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In round Round 20, Hoekstra played #81 Stanley Njoroge Ndungu (Kenya) and lost 386 to 504 (a spread of -118).

Current ranking: #59.

Current record: 9-11, -92.

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In round Round 21, Hoekstra played #20 Dean Saldanha (Richmond BC) and won 402 to 388 (a spread of 14).

Current ranking: #52.

Current record: 10-11, -78.

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In round Round 22, Hoekstra played #90 Walker Willingham (Bainbridge Island, WA) and won 464 to 336 (a spread of 128).

Current ranking: #44.

Current record: 11-11, +50.

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In round Round 23, Hoekstra played #81 Stanley Njoroge Ndungu (Kenya) and lost 420 to 466 (a spread of -46).

Current ranking: #51.

Current record: 11-12, +4.

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In round Round 24, Hoekstra played #90 Walker Willingham (Bainbridge Island, WA) and lost 263 to 564 (a spread of -301).

Current ranking: #61.

Current record: 11-13, -297.

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