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October 21-24, 2003

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Panupol Sujjayakorn [#65] at WSC 2003


Congratulations to the new World Champion, Panupol Sujjayakorn. Panupol beat Pakorn Nemitrmansuk in an exciting best-of-five series, 418-380, 384-495, 470-514, 446-433 and 444-387.


Background Information

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Given name(s): Panupol
Surname(s): Sujjayakorn
Home: Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand
Awards: 2002 Thailand Matchplay Champion, 3rd runner-up US West coast Championship 2001
Hobbies: Reading, Internet surfing
Occupation: Student
WSC 2003 Team: Thailand



Rank Diagram

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See Legend



High score: 565
Average for: 438
Average against: 377

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In round Round 1, Sujjayakorn played #46 Leo Capuno (Philippines) and won 443 to 320 (a spread of 123).

Current ranking: #10.

Current record: 1-0, +123.

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In round Round 2, Sujjayakorn played #28 Gareth Williams (Wales) and won 438 to 430 (a spread of 8).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 2-0, +131.

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In round Round 3, Sujjayakorn played #54 Moshood Olasunkanmi Sanni (Nigeria) and won 424 to 348 (a spread of 76).

Current ranking: #7.

Current record: 3-0, +207.

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In round Round 4, Sujjayakorn played #31 Howard Warner (New Zealand) and won 415 to 409 (a spread of 6).

Current ranking: #4.

Current record: 4-0, +213.

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In round Round 5, Sujjayakorn played #41 Keiichiro Hirai (Japan) and won 518 to 287 (a spread of 231).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 5-0, +444.

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In round Round 6, Sujjayakorn played #81 Stanley Njoroge Ndungu (Kenya) and won 524 to 435 (a spread of 89).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 6-0, +533.

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In round Round 7, Sujjayakorn played #34 Jeff Grant (New Zealand) and won 485 to 318 (a spread of 167).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 7-0, +700.

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In round Round 8, Sujjayakorn played #05 Andrew Fisher (Australia) and won 430 to 333 (a spread of 97).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 8-0, +797.

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In round Round 9, Sujjayakorn played #55 Naween Tharanga Fernando (Sri Lanka) and lost 375 to 399 (a spread of -24).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 8-1, +773.

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In round Round 10, Sujjayakorn played #64 Pakorn Nemitrmansuk (Thailand) and lost 352 to 454 (a spread of -102).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 8-2, +671.

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In round Round 11, Sujjayakorn played #39 Joel Wapnick (Montréal QC) and won 478 to 333 (a spread of 145).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 9-2, +816.

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In round Round 12, Sujjayakorn played #51 Mark Nyman (England) and won 443 to 425 (a spread of 18).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 10-2, +834.

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In round Round 13, Sujjayakorn played #08 Andrew Perry (England) and lost 394 to 431 (a spread of -37).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 10-3, +797.

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In round Round 14, Sujjayakorn played #15 David Boys (Dorval QC) and won 529 to 419 (a spread of 110).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 11-3, +907.

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In round Round 15, Sujjayakorn played #84 Tim Adamson (Saint Paul, MN) and won 412 to 318 (a spread of 94).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 12-3, +1001.

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In round Round 16, Sujjayakorn played #04 Andrew Davis (England) and won 436 to 333 (a spread of 103).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 13-3, +1104.

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In round Round 17, Sujjayakorn played #55 Naween Tharanga Fernando (Sri Lanka) and won 413 to 369 (a spread of 44).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 14-3, +1148.

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In round Round 18, Sujjayakorn played #55 Naween Tharanga Fernando (Sri Lanka) and won 447 to 343 (a spread of 104).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 15-3, +1252.

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In round Round 19, Sujjayakorn played #04 Andrew Davis (England) and won 565 to 253 (a spread of 312).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 16-3, +1564.

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In round Round 20, Sujjayakorn played #55 Naween Tharanga Fernando (Sri Lanka) and won 448 to 442 (a spread of 6).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 17-3, +1570.

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In round Round 21, Sujjayakorn played #44 Komol Panyasoponlert (Thailand) and won 394 to 328 (a spread of 66).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 18-3, +1636.

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In round Round 22, Sujjayakorn played #64 Pakorn Nemitrmansuk (Thailand) and lost 442 to 446 (a spread of -4).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 18-4, +1632.

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In round Round 23, Sujjayakorn played #08 Andrew Perry (England) and lost 315 to 469 (a spread of -154).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 18-5, +1478.

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In round Round 24, Sujjayakorn played #08 Andrew Perry (England) and lost 400 to 417 (a spread of -17).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 18-6, +1461.

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