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NSC 2009 Commentary: Round 22

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Round 22

Severe thunderstorms woke many of us early this morning. They were spectacular! The darkened dawn sky was brightly lit with nonstop bolts of light everywhere! I was happy to be inside a warm, dry building to watch these fireworks.

Last night we held a Town Hall meeting with about 100 interested players in attendance. Players asked about the selection process for NSC venues, and where the next NSC would be held. Chris Cree (Dallas, TX) explained that we are continuing to use the location search agency that the NSA did. He sounded almost embarrassed to say that the most affordable location, by tens of thousands of dollars, was the Intercontinental Hotel in Dallas (Addison), TX, which will be the venue for the 2010 and 2011 NSCs. John D. Williams, Jr., of the NSA got up and spoke from the stage about how hard it is to get an association off the ground. He should know, he did it more than 20 years ago himself! All in all, the players asked for more transparency; the NSA codirectors, John Chew and Chris Cree, asked for more help on committees and with getting the organization moving. Most parties agreed to help more and to get on things that have not been gotten on in the time coming up to the NSC. Some issues will be discussed more thoroughly this evening at the Steering Committee meeting. Chris reminded us all that NASPA is 33 days old. That isn't a lot of time to be perfect at every little detail yet, but he thinks we can get there. Minutes of this meeting will be made available at some point, but for now, let's get on with the championship!

The earth hasn't exactly changed off its axis, but Thomas Reinke (Middleton, WI) did lose his game this round in division 2 to Matt Robin (Sterling Heights, MI), 288-450. I see Thomas' SLANDErS for 64 and Matt's INeRTIAL for 73 and ENOLASE for 65. In the endgame, Thomas challenged WAXINGS (it is good). He was trying to reach 300 and Matt was trying to draw a challenge to get more spread. They were laughing after the game and it was all very good natured. Matt lost to Thoams in their earlier matchup in the event, so revenge is quite sweet. Charles Reinke (Middleton, WI) stopped by to see how Thomas was doing. This will be the only photo I get to take of the identical twins together in this event, I bet!

"No, no, you go first, please!" I can hear Ricky Sirois (Overland Park, KS) screaming this inside his head every time he gets to go first. He showed me his first racks in the past seven games where he has been slated to go first. Rd 8: AIIIITU; Rd 12: BILNRST; Rd. 13: MNNNNRRT; Rd. 16: CGIJOQS; Rd. 17: AAADEN?; Rd. 19: EGIIOOS; and Rd. 22: EIKONUU. On each of these turns, he opted to trade tiles rather than play through drek.

Max Karten (Barrington, RI) hands me a challenge slip with SWIVELER* on it. I say that it looks plausible. He was shocked that it was challenged off by Jane Clark (West Hartford, CT) when he played it. I say: good on ya Jane!

Division 6's winner at the 2008 NSC is now playing in division 3. This round he squared off against Roy Dixon (Dade City, FL) and it was a slaughterfest. Poor Roy lost, 295-588. Bradley played five bingos: NITERIE, RIOTeRS, LEADING, AVENGEs, TRINDLE, and a nobingo 67-point EXACT to the triple. Roy pretty much just kept score that game. He credited Bradley for his good word knowledge. Early on, Roy tried CODIENE*, absentmindedly transposing two letters (it is CODEINE), and Bradley challenged it off.

I see Chris Lipe (Rome, NY) smiling at me and I can tell he wants me not to be in division 4 talking about chairs that swivel. I walk back to division 1 to find a 7-bingo board. Chris played DIRtIER, ABOrTED, SOUNDER, and COINFERS. His opponent, Zev Kaufman (Toronto ON), played GENDARME, CULVERTS through the E, and VIDETTES through the second E. Two other fun Zev plays: AQUATONE down the triple from AQUA for 51 and with a UCHRSTWY rack, Zev found WYCH through the C to the triple for 57 points! It was Chris' win, 497-492.

Darrell Day (Richardson, TX) smiles as I'm in his seat and he says, "Yesterday I bingoed out with SUBFLOOR to win." He was playing Cesar Del Solar (Redondo Beach, CA) and managed to play that bingo from the S to earn the 423-374 win.

I see Ian Weinstein (Coral Springs, FL) pouring over his last game scoresheet at an empty div 1 table. I dare to ask how he did at table 1 in the annotated game versus Nigel Richards (MYS). I'll take his gesture to mean that Nigel won!

Hey Julie! Happy one month anniversary!

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