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August 4–9, 2006
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Index: USSO 2006 Round 8
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1600x1200 original files are available upon e-mailed request.
Caption List
- Jonn Dalton and his baby girl.
- ProLiteracy book table.
- Singing Sunday hymns outside the Frank Lloyd Wright facility.
- John OLaughlin enjoying a down moment before the morning session begins.
- Jim Geary in a non Jabba the Hut pose.
- Jane R. Williams models the watches left around the room overnight.
- Table 2, division 1, Robin Pollock Daniel vs. Rod MacNeil.
- Division 6's top tables: Thomas Reinke vs. Eileen Johnson, Mike Carlson vs. KC Frodyma, Ben Lam vs. Susan Watrous.
- Division 2's top boards, David Hermanson vs. Mark Przybyszewski and
Steve Glass vs. Diane Firstman.
- Division 5's top boards: Con Downey vs. Thomas ORourke and
Susan Love vs. Karen Lundeen.
- Division 4's top boards: Nola Hembrook vs. Andre Ornish and
Thomas Conrad vs. Jim Hughes.
- Laura Moyer and Nancy Scott take an adjudication at a nearby computer. OUTSAVES* is not acceptable.
- Nola Hembrook.
- Division 3's top boards: Bob Yarmchuk vs. Jean McArthur and
S Spencer Sun vs. Michael Thelen.
- Division 3's dynamic duo: Bryan Pepper and his assistant, Christine
Anderson, granddaughter of Barbara Van Alen and Larry Rand.
- Mitch Bayersdorfer wearing a "Wanna PLAY" shirt from the
NSA's Word Gear collection.
- Division 2 is once again in capable hands with Mary Rhoades and her assistant, Sue Hoehn. Sue ran a division pairing computer last year, so she is making the rounds of US Open staffing!
- Division 6 is in capable Canadian hands: John Robertson and his assistant, Lisa Kessler.
- Marlon Hill vs. Stefan Rau.
- Joe Edley vs. Craig Rowland.
- Mark Przybyszewski vs. David Hermanson.
- Daniel Stock puts his tiles into grids in a very unique way!
- This is how most other players arrange the tiles after a game, making Daniel Stock all the more unique!
- Mary Ellen Weisskopf plays Stuart Goldman.
- Checking out standings and pairings.
- Sedona Maniak and Nita Galambos share a laugh between games.
- Jim Kramer vs. Lloyd Mills.
- Robin Pollock Daniel in her "channeling Brian" game versus Rod MacNeil.
- Paul Haverly vs. Roger Cullman.
- DAY TWO: FIT TO BE TILED, on the big board.
- Andrea Michaels vs. Charlene White. Feast your eyes on the first 10-letter word played by Andrea: BROADENERS (and a new word to boot!).
- What 5' 10 1/2 " of SCRABBLE boxes looks like on a human scale. Thanks to Jim Pate for being such a good sport!