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Karl Khoshnaw (#39) at WSC 2001

Background Information

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Given name(s): Karl
Surname(s): Khoshnaw
Home: Wiershausen, Nieder Saxon, Germany
Awards: Single turn score record holder (CAZIQUES 392), highest international game score (739)
Hobbies: Plants, gardening, languages, sports and meeting people.
Occupation: Lecturer
WSC 1993 Rank: 41
WSC 1995 Rank: 39
WSC 1997 Rank: 52
WSC 2001 Team: Kurdistan-Iraq


Tournament Ups and Downs

Each pole is labelled at the top with the tournament round. The player's rank that round is shown below.

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High score: 486
Average for: 405
Average against: 417

Round 1

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Khoshnaw played #83 Mario Shalendra Ranasuriya (Bahrain) and lost 300 to 444 (a spread of -144) .

Current ranking: #79.

Current record: 0-1, -144.

Round 2

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Khoshnaw played #17 Naween Tharanga Fernando (Sri Lanka) and lost 438 to 506 (a spread of -68) .

Current ranking: #80.

Current record: 0-2, -212.

Khoshnaw is mentioned in this round's commentary (1 hit).

Round 3

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Khoshnaw played #47 Peter (Pepito) Arreola (Saudi Arabia) and lost 397 to 510 (a spread of -113) .

Current ranking: #81.

Current record: 0-3, -325.

Round 4

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Khoshnaw played #82 Michael Arthur Quao (Ghana) and lost 386 to 444 (a spread of -58) .

Current ranking: #85.

Current record: 0-4, -383.

Round 5

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Khoshnaw played #56 Chris Abordo (Bahrain) and won 441 to 358 (a spread of 83) .

Current ranking: #77.

Current record: 1-4, -300.

Round 6

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Khoshnaw played #72 Paul Yandisha Kalumba (Zambia) and won 485 to 442 (a spread of 43) .

Current ranking: #70.

Current record: 2-4, -257.

Round 7

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Khoshnaw played #65 Margarida Ana de Souza (Trinidad and Tobago) and lost 362 to 387 (a spread of -25) .

Current ranking: #76.

Current record: 2-5, -282.

Round 8

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Khoshnaw played #69 Samuel Fomum Tanee (Cameroon) and won 413 to 326 (a spread of 87) .

Current ranking: #65.

Current record: 3-5, -195.

Round 9

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Khoshnaw played #62 Danny Cotejo (Qatar) and won 387 to 351 (a spread of 36) .

Current ranking: #57.

Current record: 4-5, -159.

Khoshnaw is mentioned in this round's photo captions (1 hit).

Round 10

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Khoshnaw played #45 Rashid Khan (Pakistan) and won 486 to 406 (a spread of 80) .

Current ranking: #48.

Current record: 5-5, -79.

Round 11

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Khoshnaw played #43 Jere Mead (United States) and lost 330 to 404 (a spread of -74) .

Current ranking: #58.

Current record: 5-6, -153.

Round 12

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Khoshnaw played #36 Randy Hersom (United States) and lost 316 to 582 (a spread of -266) .

Current ranking: #65.

Current record: 5-7, -419.

Round 13

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Khoshnaw played #57 Isaac Apindi Adhero Lang'o (Tanzania) and won 481 to 325 (a spread of 156) .

Current ranking: #58.

Current record: 6-7, -263.

Round 14

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Khoshnaw played #85 Alan Sinclair (Scotland) and won 385 to 345 (a spread of 40) .

Current ranking: #50.

Current record: 7-7, -223.

Round 15

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Khoshnaw played #86 Christopher Sykes (Canada) and won 480 to 413 (a spread of 67) .

Current ranking: #44.

Current record: 8-7, -156.

Round 16

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Khoshnaw played #76 Joey Mallick (United States) and lost 348 to 388 (a spread of -40) .

Current ranking: #50.

Current record: 8-8, -196.

Round 17

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Khoshnaw played #05 Matt Graham (United States) and won 479 to 471 (a spread of 8) .

Current ranking: #43.

Current record: 9-8, -188.

Round 18

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Khoshnaw played #21 Suresh Thevakumar Samuel Chinnaiyah (Sri Lanka) and lost 335 to 506 (a spread of -171) .

Current ranking: #53.

Current record: 9-9, -359.

Round 19

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Khoshnaw played #11 Gareth Williams (Wales) and lost 381 to 406 (a spread of -25) .

Current ranking: #59.

Current record: 9-10, -384.

Round 20

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Khoshnaw played #18 Peter Elbourne (Malta) and won 436 to 370 (a spread of 66) .

Current ranking: #51.

Current record: 10-10, -318.

Khoshnaw is mentioned in this round's photo captions (1 hit).

Round 21

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Khoshnaw played #18 Peter Elbourne (Malta) and lost 400 to 424 (a spread of -24) .

Current ranking: #57.

Current record: 10-11, -342.

Round 22

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Khoshnaw played #87 Rodney Talbot (Australia) and won 473 to 361 (a spread of 112) .

Current ranking: #49.

Current record: 11-11, -230.

Round 23

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Khoshnaw played #67 Maor Eichler (Israel) and lost 374 to 488 (a spread of -114) .

Current ranking: #56.

Current record: 11-12, -344.

Round 24

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Khoshnaw played #60 Siu Hean Cheah (Singapore) and won 409 to 344 (a spread of 65) .

Current ranking: #49.

Current record: 12-12, -279.

Khoshnaw is mentioned in this round's commentary (1 hit).

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