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NSC 2000 Thursday Photos: Page 5
- Brian Cappelletto (See commentary)
- NSA's John D. Williams, Jr., NSC 2000 Champion Joe Edley, and Hasbro's Mark Morris.
- Division 5's top finishers.
- Sherrie Saint John and John Chew at the internet tables.
- Randy Hersom vs. Brian Cappelletto, (See commentary)
- Jim Geary, Mike Baron, Bob Ellickson, Zev Kaufman, and Loren Mitchell, some of whom are taking in the unusual final game between Jim Kramer and Adam Logan. The game ended with full racks for both players and tiles in the bag! (a series of passes ended the game.)
- Randy Hersom and the visiting duo of Bob & Barbara Lipton.
- Four and one-half days worth of challenge slips. Unacceptable challenges on left and acceptable challenges on right. First stacks are from Sunday, then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and to the left is Thursdays, not yet separated into acceptable and not acceptable stacks. The word judges and division leaders were busy!
- Word judges Richard Buck and Kristen Chew model with the challenge slips.
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