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NSC 2000 Thursday Photos: Page 1
Before Round 29
- Past National SCRABBLE® Champions: Joel Wapnick, Robert Felt, Rita Norr, Joel Sherman, Joe Edley, Ron Tiekert, Adam Logan, and Brian Cappelletto.
- John D. Williams, Jr., NSA Executive Director, with Division 1's Joe Edley and Randy Hersom before game 29.
- Jeff Widergren, Division 1 player and creator of the tournament playing software.
- Four African-American female players all at one table: Merble Reagon vs. Charlene White and Jacqueline Camper vs Gwen Bishop.
- Laura Klein, director of operations, and as much of the NSC crew as I could fit into the shot (l-r) Wendell Smith (partially cut off), Muriel Sparrow-Reedy, Linda Iannetti, Bryan Pepper, Kristen Chew, Johanna Laite, Marsha Peshkin, Bonnie Rudolph, Mary Rhoades, Richard Buck, Phyllis Prather, Tracey Maurer, Milt Wertheimer, Ruth Stern, and Roy Peshkin. Standing on the stage with John D. Williams and Laura are the barely visible Delrose Livermore, Monika Schaeffer, Karen Lee Palmer, Flo Turkenkopf, Jeremy Brook, and Amber Benezra.
- Division 1's Brian Cappelletto and Dave Wiegand.
Round 29
Jim Kramer vs. Adam Logan (Division 1, Board 3) and Jere Mead vs. Bob Felt (Division 1, Board 4).
David Johnson vs. John Van Pelt (Division 2, Board 1), Bob Lundegaard vs. Larry Sherman (Division 2, Board 2), and Jerry Scheiten vs. Bernard Gotlieb (Division 2, Board 3).
Rob Matthews. vs. Jeff Myers (Division 5, Board 1) and Stella Russell vs. Norbert Saldahna (Division 5, Board 2).
Joseph Connelly vs. Mike Ecsedy (Division 4, Board 1) and Rosalind Gold vs. Harvey Wilson (Division 4, Board 2).
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