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September 1st, 2023: CAMELID

Definition: CAMELID*CAMELIDS n any of a family of 2-toed ruminant mammals

Anagrams: claimed decimal declaim medical

Hooks: camelidS

Ana-hooks: camAiled climaXed decimalS declaimS maledicT medalLic medicalS melOdica

'Typos': camelia

Blana-grams: alcAide alemBic caViled cedilLa cemBali ciTadel cladiSm claimeR clamMed clamPed climaTe climBed decRial delTaic dialecT dilemMa dOmical edicTal emailEd eXclaim imPaled imPlead iNlaced limeadE macKled macUled maleFic maliceS mediacY medialS mediVac melaNic melOdia melOdic meTical miaUled micelLa miRacle miSdeal miSlead mYcelia Radicel Radicle Reclaim

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ace aced acid acme ad ae ai aid aide ail ailed aim aimed al alcid ale alec alme am ami amice amid amide amie cad cade cadi caid cal calm calmed cam came camel cami cedi ceil cel clad clade claim clam clime da dace dal dale dam dame de deal decal deil del deli demic dial dice die diel dim dime ed el eld elm em email emic ice iced id idea ideal idem idle ilea ileac la lac lace laced lad lade laic laid lam lame lamed lea lead led lei li lice lid lie lied lima lime limed ma mac mace maced macle macled mad made mae maid mail maile mailed male malic malice me mead meal med medal media medial medic mel meld melic mi mic mica mice mid mil mild mile

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