Definition: 1. IRONIEST adjective_superlative (see IRONY 1) 2. IRONY*IRONIER*IRONIEST adj resembling iron 3. IRONY*IRONIES n the use of words to express the opposite of what is literally said
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: Corneitis Disorient insertioN interioRs introFies Misorient notiFiers retinoiDs senioritY seriAtion sortieinG
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: Bornites Briniest Brionies Citrines Cointers Corniest Crinites Crostini Derision Diorites Disinter eDitions Genitors Horniest iGniters iGnitors inCiters inDiters inertiAs inHerits inositeS insiSter instroKe interiMs interioR intoNers introiTs introRse inVestor inViters ioniserS ioniZers ironiseD ironiseS ironistS ironiZes ironsiDe iVoriest Jointers Lioniser Minister Misinter neUritis nioBites niteriEs nitriDes nitriLes nitriTes noisieSt notAries notArise notiCers notiFier notiFies oestrinS oneriEst ornitHes Pointers Pointier Porniest Pristine Proteins rAiniest reCision rePoints resinoiD resitinG retinoiD retinoLs reVision riotinGs riPienos roiLiest roUtines sAtinier seDition seiGnior senoritA serotinE serotinY siniSter snitTier snoOtier snotTier snoUtier soriCine stinGier stinKier tenoriNi tenorisT ternioNs toniFies triTones troPines tYrosine Vitrines
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: en ens eon eons eosin er ern erns eros ers erst es est estrin et in inert inerts inosite inro ins insert inset inter inters inti intis into intro intros ion ionise ioniser ions ire ires iris iron irone irones ironies ironise ironist irons is it its ne neist nerts nest nestor net nets nisei nisi nit nite niter niters nites nitre nitres nitro nitros nits no noes noir noirs noise noisier nor nori noris norite norites nos nose nosier not note noter noters notes oe oes oestrin oi on one ones ons onset or ore ores orient orients ornis ors ort orts os ose osier re rei rein reins reis reno renos rent rents res resin resit rest ret rets rin rins rinse riot riots rise risen rite rites roe roes rose roset rosin rosti rot rote rotes roti rotini rotinis rotis rots sei sen senior seniti senor sent senti ser serin set seton si sin sine sinter sir sire siren sit site snit snore snort snot so son sone sore sori sorn sort sortie sot sri stein steno stern stir stone stoner stonier store strine te tein teins ten tenor tenors tens tensor tern terns tes ti tie (and 44 more)
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