[NSA Word of the Day]

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November 6th, 2010: BEGLAMOR


Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: beglamorS

Ana-hooks: beglamoUr

'Typos': beclamor

Blana-grams: bargelLo bergamoT bromelIa Formable gamblerS gamboleD gambrelS gomeralS groWable

Extensions: beglamorED beglamorING

Sub-anagrams: ab able abler abo ae aero ag age ager ago agro al alb ale algor alme aloe am amber amble ambler ambo amole ar arb are areg argle argol arm ba bag bagel bal bale baler balm bam bar bare barge barm be beal beam bear beg bel belga bema berg berm blae blag blam blame blamer blare blear blog bo boa boar bog bogle bola bolar bole bora borage boral bore boreal bra brae brag bream bregma bro brolga bromal brome ear earl egal ego el elm em embar embargo emo er era erg ergo gab gable gae gal gale galore gam gamb gambe gamble gambler gambol gambrel game gamer gaol gaoler gar garb garble gear gel gem germ glam glamor glare gleam gleba gloam glob globe glom glomera go goa goal gob goer golem gomer gomeral gor goral gore gorm grab gram la lab labor lag lager lam lamb lamber lame lamer lar large largo lea lear leg lo loam lob lobar lobe log loge lor lore ma mabe mae mag mage male malgre mar marble mare marge marl me meal meg mega mel merl mo moa mob mog mol mola molar mole mor mora morae moral morale (and 46 more)

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