Definition: ISOTACH*ISOTACHS n a line on a map connecting points of equal wind velocity
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: isotachS
Ana-hooks: achiotEs actoRish chaRiots chitosaN cohaBits haRicots
'Typos': isopach
Blana-grams: achiEst achiotE actioNs aiRshot aitchEs aPhotic atishoO atoMics atoNics cahoOts catFish catioNs catTish chaMiso chaMois chaotiC chaRiot chiCots chitaLs chitoNs citoLas cohaBit coLtish Dacoits Goatish Gotchas Gothics haRicot isoBath Kochias Lochias ociCats osMatic ostRich Photics Psoatic schoLia scotiaS shitcaN shoRtia soMatic sPathic stoicaL stoMach tachisM tachisT thoRias toaDish
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: act acts ah ahi ahis ahs ai ais ait aitch aits as asci ascot ash at cash cast cat cats chai chais chao chaos chat chats chi chia chiao chias chis chit chits ciao cis cist coast coat coati coatis coats cos cosh cost costa cot cots ha hao has hast hat hats hi hic his hist hit hits ho hoist hos host hosta hot hots ich ichs iota iotas is it itch its oast oat oath oaths oats oca ocas och oh ohia ohias ohs oi os ostia otic sac saith sat sati scat scot scotia sh sha shat shit sho shoat shot si sic sit sith so soc soca soh sot soth stich stoa stoai stoic ta tach tachs taco tacos tao taos tas thio this tho ti tic tics tis to tosa tosh
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