[NSA Word of the Day]

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October 25th, 2024: DYSTOPIC*

Definition: not available

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: copyEdits

'Typos': dystonic dystopia

Blana-grams: copyEdit copyistS cystoidS dEspotic dicotyLs diptycAs diptycHs dyspNoic dystociA Hypocist isotypIc psycHoid scoLytid syNoptic typHoids

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cid cids cis cist cit cito cits city cod codist cods coit coits cop cops copsy copy copyist cos cost cosy cot cots coy coys cyst cystid cystoid cytoid di dicot dicots dict dicts dicty dip dips dipso dipt dis disc disco dit dits ditsy do doc docs doit doits dop dops dopy dos dost dot dots doty dso icy id ids io ios is iso it its od odic odist ods oi op ops opt optic optics opts os otic oy oys pi pic picot picots pics pioy pioys pis pisco piso pit pits pity po pod pods poi pois pos posit post posy pot pots potsy psi psocid pst pyic pyoid pyot pyots scop scot si sic sip sit so soc sod sodic sop sot soy spic spicy spit spot spy st stoic stop sty ti tic tics tid tids tidy tip tips tipsy tis to toc tocs tod tods tody top topi topic topics topis tops toy toys typic typo typos yid yids yip yips yo yod yods yos

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