[NSA Word of the Day]

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December 14th, 2023: SCREE

Definition: SCREE*SCREES n a mass of rocks at the foot of a slope

Anagrams: ceres crees

Hooks: screeD screeN screeS

Ana-hooks: ceDers ceNser cereUs cerGes cerIse cerNes cerTes cerUse cesSer cesUre cHeers creAse creeDs creeKs creeLs creePs creesE creesH creMes crePes creWes erecTs Greces Perces reBecs recCes recesS recUse rescUe resecT scerNe scLere seArce secerN secreT secUre Terces

'Typos': saree scrae screw siree soree spree

Blana-grams: Acers Acres Beers Beres Brees cAese cAres cArse ceAse ceDer ceDes ceNse cePes cereD cerGe cerNe cerOs cerTs cesSe ceTes cHeer cHere cIres cOres cOrse creDs creeD creeK creeL creeP creMe crePe cresS cresT creWe creWs crIes crIse crUes crUse cUres cUrse Deers Deres Drees ecHes ecrUs eGers erAse erecT erIcs erNes erOse erseS escAr esKer esTer eWers eXecs eYers eYres Feces Feers Feres Frees Geres Grece Grees Grese Heres Herse Icers Jeers Leers Leres Meers Mercs Meres Merse Peers Perce Peres Perse Prees Prese rAces reBec recCe recKs reDes reecH reeDs reeFs reeKs reeLs reeNs reesT reGes reKes reseE reseS reseT reseW reTes reUse reXes rIces scAre sceNe scOre seAre seDer seerS serAc sereD sereR sereS serGe serIc serRe serVe seVer seWer seXer sHeer sHere sKeer sLeer sNeer sPeer sTeer sTere sUcre sWeer sYcee Teers Terce Teres Terse Trees Veers Verse

Extensions: screeCH screeDS screeNS screeVE DIscreeT screeCHY screeDED screeDER screeNED screeNER screeVED screeVER screeVES BEscreeNS MIscreeDS OFFscreeN PREscreeN REscreeNS screeCHED screeCHER screeCHES screeDERS screeDING screeNERS screeNING screeVERS screeVING BEscreeNED DIscreeTER DIscreeTLY INDIscreeT PREscreeNS REscreeNED SUNscreeNS UNscreeNED WIDEscreeN screeCHERS screeCHIER screeCHING screeDINGS screeNABLE screeNINGS screeNLAND screeNPLAY screeVINGS BEscreeN(S) BEscreeNING DIscreeTEST FIREscreeNS MEATscreeNS MIscreeD(S) MULTIscreeN PREscreeNED REscreeN(S) REscreeNING SILKscreeNS TELEscreeNS WINDscreeNS screeCHIEST screeNCRAFT screeNLANDS screeNPLAYS CHOIRscreeNS DIscreeTNESS INDIscreeTLY PREscreeNING SMOKEscreeNS SUNscreeN(S) SUNscreeNING SUPERscreeNS screeNCRAFTS screeNWRITER FIREscreeN(S) MEATscreeN(S) SILKscreeN(S) TELEscreeN(S) WINDscreeN(S) screeNWRITERS CHOIRscreeN(S) DIscreeTNESSES INDIscreeTNESS SMOKEscreeN(S) SUPERscreeN(S)

Sub-anagrams: cee cees cere cree ee er ere eres ers es re rec recs ree rees res sec see seer ser sere

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