Definition: CALOTYPE*CALOTYPES n a kind of photograph
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: calotypeS
Ana-hooks: (none)
'Typos': kalotype
Blana-grams: acetoXyl acolyteS alLotype calypteR cloDpate clypeatE coMpleat coNepatl copUlate epIcotyl etypIcal eUcalypt lIpocyte oUtplace pectoRal petaloDy poetIcal polecatS potlacHe
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ace acetyl acolyte act acyl ae al ale alec aloe alp alt alto ape apt aptly at ate atoc atop atopy ay aye ayelp calo calp cap cape caple caplet capo capot capote cat cate cay cel celt cep cetyl clap clapt clat clay cleat clept clop clot clote cloy cloye cly clype coal coaly coapt coat coate col cola cole coley colt coly cop copal cope copy cot cote cotylae cotyle cotype coy cyte ea eat eclat ectopy ectypal el elt epact et eta eyot la lac lace lacet lacey lacy lap lat late lay lea leap leapt leat lep lept lepta let ley lo loca locate lop lope lot lota lote loy lycea lye lyte oat oca octa octal octyl oe ole olea olpae olpe op opal ope opt oy oye pa pac pace pacey paco pact pacy pal pale palet paly pat pate patly paty pay pe pea peal peat peaty pec pela pelota pelt pelta pet petal peyotl place placet plat plate platy play plea pleat ploat plot ploy ply po poa poet pol pole polecat poley polt poly polyact pot pote pya pyat pye pyet pyot ta tace taco tae tael talc talcy tale tao (and 39 more)
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