Definition: 1. MARCHESE noun_plural (see MARCHESA 1) 2. MARCHESA*MARCHESE n the wife or widow of a marchese 3. MARCHESE*MARCHESI n an Italian nobleman
Anagrams: cashmere machrees
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: cashmereS charmeUse Demarches meNarches remaTches schmeareD
'Typos': marchesa marchesi
Blana-grams: amerceRs Becharms Breaches Brechams casImere chamBers chamFers chamPers charmeRs cheaTers chImeras chImeres creameRs cremaTes Demarche earAches emBraces eNchaser hecTares Leachers macheTes marcheRs maTchers meNacers meNarche Peachers Preaches racemOse reacheRs recheaTs recLames reseaRch schemerS schmearS schmeerS screameD screameR searcheD searcheR searcheS shmeareD Teachers
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ace aces ache aches acme acmes acre acres ae ah ahem ahs am ameer ameers amerce amerces ar arc arch arches arcs are ares arm arms ars arse as ash cam came cames cams car care cares cars carse case cash cease cee cees cere ceres cham chams char chare chares charm charms chars chase chaser chasm cheer cheers chem chems cram crams crash cream creams crease creesh creme cremes each ear ears ease easer eche eches eh em eme emes ems er era eras erase ere ers es escar eschar ha hae haem haems haeres haes ham hame hames hams hare hareem hareems harem harems hares harm harms has he hear hears hearse hem heme hemes hems her here heres herm herma hermae herms hers hes hm ma mac mace macer macers maces mach mache macher machers maches machree machs macs mae maes mar marc march marches marcs mare mares mars marse marsh mas maser mash masher me mech mechs meh merc merces merch merches mercs mere meres mes mesa mesarch mesh race raceme racemes races rah ram ramee ramees rams ras rase rash re reach reaches ream reams rec recs ree rees rehem rehems rem rems res resh (and 47 more)
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