[NSA Word of the Day]

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July 24th, 2017: CHIPSET*

Definition: CHIPSET*CHIPSETS n a set of integrated circuits

Anagrams: pitches

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: hepAtics pAstiche pistAche pitcheRs pOstiche pOtiches

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Achiest Aitches Aphetic Aseptic Bitches ceRiphs cesSpit cheMist chiCest cipheRs citheRs Depicts Discept Ditches ethNics Fitches hepAtic hepcAts hipPest hipsteR hitcHes hOspice iNcepts iNspect Ophites pAciest pAtches pecKish pectiNs pePtics petTish phOtics picKets piNches pitcheD pitcheR pOetics pOtiche pscheNt Richest sceptiC septicS sKeptic spAthic spheNic spheRic spicAte stheNic techiEs tRiceps Witches

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cep ceps cesti chest chi chip chips chis chit chits cis cist cite cites echt eh epic epics es et etch eth ethic ethics eths etic he heist hep hes hest het hets hi hic hie hies hip hips his hist hit hits ice ices ich ichs is it itch itches its pe pec pech pechs pecs peh pehs pes pest pet pets phi phis pht pi pic pice pics pie pies pis pish piste pit pitch pith piths pits psi pst sec sect sei sepic sept septic set sh she ship si sic sice sip sipe sit site sith spec spice spit spite step stich stipe tech techs the thesp this ti tic tics tie ties tip tips tis

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