Definition: SHOPLIFT*SHOPLIFTED*SHOPLIFTING*SHOPLIFTS v to steal goods from a store
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: shopliftS
Ana-hooks: pilotfIsh
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: fishBolt fishpolE flEshpot hElistop hilLtops hoplitEs hospitAl isoplEth pisolIth
Extensions: shopliftED shopliftER shopliftERS shopliftING shopliftINGS ANTIshopliftING
Sub-anagrams: fil filo filos fils filth filths fish fist fit fits flip flips flit flits flop flops foh foil foils foist fop fops hi hilt hilts hip hips his hist hit hits ho hoist holist holp hols holt holts hop hops hos host hot hots if ifs is it its li lift lifts lip lipo lipos lips lis lisp list lit litho lithops lithos lits lo loft lofts lop lops lost lot loth loti lots of oft oh ohs oi oil oils op ops opt opts os phi phis pho phos phot phots pht pi pilot pilots pis pish piso pistol pit pith pithos piths pits plot plots po poh poi pois pol polis polish pols pos posh posit post pot pots psi pst sh shift ship shit sho shop shot si sift silo silt sip sit sith slip slipt slit slop slot sloth so soft soh soil sol soli sop soph sot soth spilt spilth spit split spoil spoilt spot stop thio thiol thiols this tho ti til tils tip tips tis to toil toils top toph tophi tophs topi topis tops tosh
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