[NSA Word of the Day]

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December 27th, 2008: DYSTONIA

Definition: DYSTONIA*DYSTONIAS n a condition of disordered tonicity of muscle tissue

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: dystoniaS

Ana-hooks: dystoPian staMinody

'Typos': dystocia dystonic dystopia

Blana-grams: adJoints antiBody astoniEd dEsyatin diatRons doatinGs donatisM dynaMist dynastiC intRados Lanosity nodaLity nodOsity oXidants Pintados saintdoM satinPod sEdation sodaLity sUdation taRdyons toadyinG toadyisH toadyisM

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ad adios adit adits ado adonis ados ads ai aid aidos aids ain ains ais ait aits an and ands ani anis ant anti antis ants antsy any as astony at atony ay ayin ayins ayont ays da daint dainty dais daisy dan danio danios dans dant dants das dato datos day daynt days di din dino dinos dins dint dints diota diotas dis disa dit dita ditas dits ditsy do doat doats doit doits don dona donas dons donsy dos dost dot dots doty dso dynast id idant idants ids in ins into io ion ions ios iota iotas is iso it ita itas its na naoi naos nas nasty nat nats nay nays nid nids nis nit nits no nod nodi nods noisy nos nosy not nota noy noys ny nyas nys oast oat oats od oda odas odist ods oi oint oints on ons onst os ostia oy oys sad sadi sai said sain saint san sand sandy sanity sant santo sat sati satin satiny say sayid sayon sdayn si sida sin sind sit snit snod snot sny so sod soda sodain son sot soy soya st staid stain stand stay stoa stoai stond stony sty syn (and 59 more)

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