[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 20th, 2003: EASTER

Definition: EASTER*EASTERS n a wind or storm from the east

Anagrams: aretes eaters reseat seater teaser

Hooks: Feaster easterN easterS

Ana-hooks: aerAtes aerIest aetHers aFreets aUstere Beaters Berates Cerates Creates Dearest Derates earNest eCartes eLaters ePaters erGates estreaT Heaters Nearest reaLest reBates reDates reHeats reLates reMates rePeats reseatS resLate restaGe restaTe retaKes retaPes retasTe retaXes reteaMs reteaRs rOseate seareSt seaterS seDater serIate serRate steaLer steaMer steraNe sWeater teareRs teaserS tesSera

'Typos': baster caster easier faster gaster laster master paster raster taster vaster waster

Blana-grams: aerAte aerIes aetHer aFreet aFters aGrees aIrest aLerts aLters aMeers aNtres areNes arMets arRest arteLs artsIe asSert asterN asterS aVerse aVerts Barest Beater Berate Berets Breast Carets Cartes Caters Cerate Certes Crates Crease Create Daters Derate Derats Desert Deters eaGers eaGres eartHs easerS eaterY eCarte eGesta eGrets eLater eLates eNates eNtera eNters ePater eraseD eraseR eraseS ereCts erGate ersatZ estaTe esterS estraL estraY etaPes etHers eVerts eXerts eXsert eXtras Feater Fester Freest Gaters Grates Grease Greats Greets Haeres Haters Hearse Hearts Heater Hereat Jester Larees Leaser Maters Matres Merest Meters Metres Neater Nester Oaters Orates Osetra Paters Peseta Pester Peters Prates Preset raGees raKees raMees raMets raNees raRest rateLs rateRs raWest raZees reaCts reaLes reatAs reaVes reBase reBate reCast reDate reestS reHeat reLate reLets reMate reNest reNtes rePast rePeat resaLe reseaL reseaU reseCt reseDa reseNt resetS resIte resteD resteR retaGs retaKe retaPe reteaM reteaR reteMs retesT retIes retUse reVest reVets reWets saLter sareeS sateeN satIre seaLer seaMer seareD seareR seateD seCret seDate seNate seraPe sereSt setTer sKater sLater staGer staKer staLer stareD stareR stareS starVe staTer staYer steerS steLae steLar stereO stereS sterNa straFe straKe streaK streaM streeK streeL streeT strIae taBers taKers taLers taMers taPers tarGes tarRes taserS taTers taWers taXers teareD teareR teaseD teaseL teaseS teNser teraIs terCes terNes terRae terRas terseR tesTae tesTer teTras tHeres tHrees traCes traDes traPes traVes treaDs treaTs treeNs Urates Urease Verset Verste Waters Wester Yarest Yester Zester

Extensions: FeasterS OLeaster easterLY OLeasterS easterNER easterLIES easterNERS COTONeaster NORTHeaster SOUTHeaster easterLING# easterMOST# easterNMOST COTONeasterS NORTHeasterN NORTHeasterS SOUTHeasterN SOUTHeasterS easterLINGS# NORTHeasterLY SOUTHeasterLY NORTHeasterNER$ SOUTHeasterNER$ NORTHeasterLIES# NORTHeasterNERS$ SOUTHeasterLIES# SOUTHeasterNERS$

Sub-anagrams: ae ar are ares arete ars arse art arts as aster at ate ates ear ears ease easer east eat eater eats er era eras erase ere ers erst es est ester et eta etas ras rase rat rate rates rats re ree rees reest res resat reset rest ret rete rets sae saree sat sate sea sear seat see seer ser sera sere set seta setae star stare steer stere ta tae tar tare tares tars tas tase taser te tea tear tears teas tease tee tees teres terse tes tree trees tres tsar

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