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Rating Difference | Rating #1 | Rating #2 | Round | Score #1 | Score #2 | Player #1 | Player #2 |
660 | 979 | 319 | 5 | 359 | 372 | Palmer, Beth (03) | Canik, Jon (53) |
581 | 990 | 409 | 29 | 262 | 266 | Goldberg, David (01) | Winston, Evan (52) |
560 | 879 | 319 | 2 | 268 | 308 | Krook, Dave (18) | Canik, Jon (53) |
479 | 990 | 511 | 6 | 336 | 368 | Goldberg, David (01) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
478 | 797 | 319 | 16 | 299 | 350 | Lockhart, Lois (28) | Canik, Jon (53) |
457 | 776 | 319 | 3 | 245 | 390 | Murzin, Sophia (30) | Canik, Jon (53) |
445 | 932 | 487 | 1 | 310 | 373 | Forrester, Randy (07) | Steinke, David (51) |
436 | 947 | 511 | 17 | 386 | 447 | Leigh, Donna (05) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
426 | 937 | 511 | 8 | 384 | 388 | Szymkowiak, Doug (06) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
410 | 897 | 487 | 18 | 282 | 381 | Green, JC (09) | Steinke, David (51) |
405 | 892 | 487 | 24 | 348 | 473 | Reed, Louis (10) | Steinke, David (51) |
399 | 886 | 487 | 26 | 331 | 333 | Konkol, Janice (13) | Steinke, David (51) |
389 | 900 | 511 | 7 | 391 | 476 | Lenzen, Polly (14) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
381 | 868 | 487 | 27 | 378 | 387 | Hughes, Margaret (19) | Steinke, David (51) |
378 | 889 | 511 | 5 | 353 | 405 | Flowers, Josephine (11) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
366 | 979 | 613 | 13 | 337 | 349 | Palmer, Beth (03) | Steinke, Cathy (46) |
357 | 990 | 633 | 27 | 351 | 356 | Goldberg, David (01) | Thompson, Troy (44) |
357 | 868 | 511 | 13 | 322 | 436 | Hughes, Margaret (19) | Radlauer, Ruben (54) |
355 | 892 | 537 | 21 | 310 | 320 | Reed, Louis (10) | Hackney, Dorothy M (50) |
346 | 979 | 633 | 15 | 342 | 417 | Palmer, Beth (03) | Thompson, Troy (44) |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.