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Round | Losing Score | Winning Score | Loser | Winner |
3 | 178 | 530 | Winston, Evan (52) | Cook, Maryjane (27) |
30 | 189 | 374 | Thompson, Troy (44) | Trotman, Jean (43) |
24 | 200 | 415 | Murzin, Sophia (30) | Souza, Marilena (32) |
1 | 200 | 390 | Jones, Florida (48) | Goldberg, David (01) |
22 | 200 | 427 | Winston, Evan (52) | Reed, Louis (10) |
13 | 202 | 401 | Canik, Jon (53) | Hackney, Dorothy M (50) |
11 | 204 | 482 | Winston, Evan (52) | Green, JC (09) |
6 | 210 | 397 | Winston, Evan (52) | Zoller, Lillian (45) |
23 | 210 | 351 | Winston, Evan (52) | Brien, Marion (37) |
19 | 211 | 357 | Winston, Evan (52) | Steinke, Cathy (46) |
14 | 212 | 448 | Green, JC (09) | Major, Barbara (20) |
5 | 214 | 462 | Griesel, Janet (29) | Vanech, Tristan (24) |
5 | 222 | 398 | Winston, Evan (52) | Jones, Florida (48) |
17 | 224 | 406 | Lockhart, Lois (28) | Davis, Elizabeth (25) |
14 | 226 | 346 | Meredith, David (04) | Leigh, Donna (05) |
13 | 226 | 428 | Johnson, Kathy (41) | Thompson, Troy (44) |
13 | 226 | 458 | Winston, Evan (52) | Lieberman, Hannah (33) |
7 | 227 | 406 | Canik, Jon (53) | Rott, Florence (21) |
1 | 228 | 410 | Cook, Maryjane (27) | Murphy, Andy (16) |
17 | 230 | 514 | Ross, Christopher (42) | Green, JC (09) |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.