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Round | Losing Score | Winning Score | Loser | Winner |
9 | 434 | 442 | Lenzen, Polly (14) | Rott, Florence (21) |
17 | 425 | 430 | Filandro, Peter (17) | Szymkowiak, Doug (06) |
12 | 419 | 425 | Brower, Ruth (23) | Konkol, Janice (13) |
30 | 419 | 431 | Nervis, Linda (39) | Major, Barbara (20) |
9 | 418 | 440 | Filandro, Peter (17) | Palmer, Beth (03) |
24 | 415 | 465 | Vanech, Tristan (24) | Szymkowiak, Doug (06) |
5 | 413 | 425 | Krook, Dave (18) | Marshall, Norma (22) |
9 | 410 | 413 | Lieberman, Hannah (33) | Ross, Christopher (42) |
24 | 410 | 424 | Green, Lisa (38) | Leigh, Donna (05) |
20 | 406 | 473 | Barker, Jim (08) | Lieberman, Hannah (33) |
7 | 404 | 406 | Vanech, Tristan (24) | King, Tina Totten (12) |
27 | 404 | 421 | Millard, Ronald F (26) | Szymkowiak, Doug (06) |
27 | 402 | 530 | Palmer, Beth (03) | Vanech, Tristan (24) |
23 | 401 | 403 | Leigh, Donna (05) | Millard, Ronald F (26) |
7 | 398 | 405 | Barker, Jim (08) | Millard, Ronald F (26) |
30 | 397 | 411 | Reed, Louis (10) | Griesel, Janet (29) |
21 | 397 | 438 | Millard, Ronald F (26) | Krook, Dave (18) |
15 | 395 | 449 | Winston, Stephen (31) | Reed, Louis (10) |
25 | 393 | 408 | Ross, Christopher (42) | Steinke, David (51) |
10 | 391 | 392 | Edwards, Faye (02) | Winston, Stephen (31) |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.