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2009 National SCRABBLE® Championship

Division 5 Round 20 Alphabetic Pairings

8Barker, Jim (08) 1stLieberman, Hannah (33) 2nd
13Brien, Marion (37) 1stLockhart, Lois (28) 2nd
12Brower, Ruth (23) 1stWinston, Stephen (31) 2nd
11Canik, Jon (53) 1stReed, Louis (10) 2nd
6Cass, Pamela (35) 2ndFlowers, Josephine (11) 1st
13Cook, Maryjane (27) 2ndGriesel, Janet (29) 1st
9Davis, Elizabeth (25) 1stZarse, Mary (40) 2nd
5Dunlop, Merran (36) 2ndForrester, Randy (07) 1st 2nd time
4Edwards, Faye (02) 2ndKrook, Dave (18) 1st
2Filandro, Peter (17) 2ndMurphy, Andy (16) 1st
6Flowers, Josephine (11) 1stCass, Pamela (35) 2nd
5Forrester, Randy (07) 1stDunlop, Merran (36) 2nd 2nd time
22Goldberg, David (01) 1stNervis, Linda (39) 2nd
10Green, JC (09) 1stJohnson, Kathy (41) 2nd
10Green, Lisa (38) 1stMarshall, Norma (22) 2nd
13Griesel, Janet (29) 1stCook, Maryjane (27) 2nd
11Hackney, Dorothy M (50) 2ndLenzen, Polly (14) 1st
7Hughes, Margaret (19) 1stSouza, Marilena (32) 2nd
10Johnson, Kathy (41) 2ndGreen, JC (09) 1st
12Jones, Florida (48) 2ndSteinke, Cathy (46) 1st
3King, Tina Totten (12) 2ndSzymkowiak, Doug (06) 1st 2nd time
8Konkol, Janice (13) 2ndRott, Florence (21) 1st
4Krook, Dave (18) 1stEdwards, Faye (02) 2nd
9Laris, Jim (15) 2ndTrotman, Jean (43) 1st
6Leigh, Donna (05) 2ndThompson, Troy (44) 1st
11Lenzen, Polly (14) 1stHackney, Dorothy M (50) 2nd
8Lieberman, Hannah (33) 2ndBarker, Jim (08) 1st
13Lockhart, Lois (28) 2ndBrien, Marion (37) 1st
14Major, Barbara (20) 1stWinston, Evan (52) 2nd
10Marshall, Norma (22) 2ndGreen, Lisa (38) 1st
1Meredith, David (04) 1stVanech, Tristan (24) 2nd 2nd time
20Millard, Ronald F (26) 2ndRadlauer, Ruben (54) 1st
2Murphy, Andy (16) 1stFilandro, Peter (17) 2nd
21Murzin, Sophia (30) 1stRoss, Christopher (42) 2nd
22Nervis, Linda (39) 2ndGoldberg, David (01) 1st
7Palmer, Beth (03) 2ndThompson, Blossom (34) 1st
20Radlauer, Ruben (54) 1stMillard, Ronald F (26) 2nd
11Reed, Louis (10) 2ndCanik, Jon (53) 1st
21Ross, Christopher (42) 2ndMurzin, Sophia (30) 1st
8Rott, Florence (21) 1stKonkol, Janice (13) 2nd
7Souza, Marilena (32) 2ndHughes, Margaret (19) 1st
12Steinke, Cathy (46) 1stJones, Florida (48) 2nd
14Steinke, David (51) 2ndZoller, Lillian (45) 1st
3Szymkowiak, Doug (06) 1stKing, Tina Totten (12) 2nd 2nd time
7Thompson, Blossom (34) 1stPalmer, Beth (03) 2nd
6Thompson, Troy (44) 1stLeigh, Donna (05) 2nd
9Trotman, Jean (43) 1stLaris, Jim (15) 2nd
1Vanech, Tristan (24) 2ndMeredith, David (04) 1st 2nd time
14Winston, Evan (52) 2ndMajor, Barbara (20) 1st
12Winston, Stephen (31) 2ndBrower, Ruth (23) 1st
9Zarse, Mary (40) 2ndDavis, Elizabeth (25) 1st
14Zoller, Lillian (45) 1stSteinke, David (51) 2nd

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