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2009 National SCRABBLE® Championship

Division 4 Round 9 Alphabetic Pairings

25Abriano, Gerianne (091) 2ndBesadny, Barbara (092) 1st
18Aitken, Terry (087) 2ndPearl, Elouise (049) 1st
9Allen-Munley, Cheryl (007) 2ndLysowski, Jack (038) 1st
13Banerji, Zarrine (020) 2ndRobinson, Linda (089) 1st
14Barker, Ron (055) 2ndKini, Aditya (024) 1st
25Bassett, Michael (085) 2ndShea, Colleen (086) 1st
22Becker, Mary (050) 2ndSiedschlag, Susan (032) 1st
25Besadny, Barbara (092) 1stAbriano, Gerianne (091) 2nd
7Bianca, Linda (052) 2ndOda, Lois S (088) 1st
7Braverman, Mollie (060) 2ndSinanan, Lilla (012) 1st
 Brown, Melissa (084)Bye
4Canik, Chris (003) 2ndDixon, Barbara (044) 1st
21Cann, Kathi (037) 2ndSchroeder, M W (042) 1st
21Carnegie, Marc (013) 2ndGould, Whitney (082) 1st
14Citron, Daniel (027) 2ndDecker, Stacey (057) 1st
23Clark, Jane (005) 2ndDe Young, Henry (067) 1st
15Collins, Betzy (010) 1stRickhoff, Laura (061) 2nd
3Daly, Aaron (033) 2ndOpperman, Gail (073) 1st
23De Young, Henry (067) 1stClark, Jane (005) 2nd
14Decker, Stacey (057) 1stCitron, Daniel (027) 2nd
4Dixon, Barbara (044) 1stCanik, Chris (003) 2nd
19Doyle, Dawn (051) 2ndScaglione, Ida (039) 1st
22Dunavin, Callie (075) 1stWieckowski, Zbigniew (030) 2nd
16Durbin, Harry (071) 2ndLeigh, Meredith (068) 1st
20Eilertsen, Chora B (090) 2ndWittman, Dianne (040) 1st
15Filandro, Marie (063) 1stPetrie, Shauna (065) 2nd
17Fonti, Jim (034) 1stJones, Carol (041) 2nd
16Garver, Billie (079) 1stLove, Susan (023) 2nd
24Gier, Marie (083) 2ndStock, Joyce (062) 1st
10Glover, Bernette (080) 1stLindgren, Tapani (019) 2nd
13Goldenberg, Murray (006) 1stHuber, Cecilia (035) 2nd
6Goldstein, Jeff (077) 1stScholz, Bridget (017) 2nd
21Gould, Whitney (082) 1stCarnegie, Marc (013) 2nd
12Harrop, Trish (025) 1stJames, Emily (058) 2nd
8Hawkins, Scott (043) 2ndHembrook, Nola (009) 1st
8Hembrook, Nola (009) 1stHawkins, Scott (043) 2nd
20Horowitz, Risa (069) 2ndWitz, Benjamin (078) 1st
13Huber, Cecilia (035) 2ndGoldenberg, Murray (006) 1st
12James, Emily (058) 2ndHarrop, Trish (025) 1st
17Jones, Carol (041) 2ndFonti, Jim (034) 1st
1Karten, Max (016) 1stStewart, Russell (022) 2nd
11King, Ralph (004) 2ndMay, Paul (045) 1st
14Kini, Aditya (024) 1stBarker, Ron (055) 2nd
6Knobelsdorf, Joan (026) 1stLieberman, Noah (064) 2nd
24Konipol, Nancy (059) 1stWood, Paul (095) 2nd
16Leigh, Meredith (068) 1stDurbin, Harry (071) 2nd
6Lieberman, Noah (064) 2ndKnobelsdorf, Joan (026) 1st
10Lindgren, Tapani (019) 2ndGlover, Bernette (080) 1st
16Love, Susan (023) 2ndGarver, Billie (079) 1st
9Lysowski, Jack (038) 1stAllen-Munley, Cheryl (007) 2nd
17Mahnken, Denise (008) 1stMiller, Brian (002) 2nd
11May, Paul (045) 1stKing, Ralph (004) 2nd
2McCarroll, Nancy (048) 1stWalleck, Christopher (018) 2nd
17Miller, Brian (002) 2ndMahnken, Denise (008) 1st
5Mistrette, Paul (015) 2ndSears, Kevin (036) 1st
10Morris, Maureen (021) 2ndPietrzak, Diane (011) 1st
27Muhling, Vivienne (028) 2ndStrick, Richard (046) 1st
8Norman, Kathy (066) 2ndTaylor, Flora (093) 1st
7Oda, Lois S (088) 1stBianca, Linda (052) 2nd
9Oh, Hans (014) 2ndVanech, Bob (081) 1st
3Opperman, Gail (073) 1stDaly, Aaron (033) 2nd
18Pearl, Elouise (049) 1stAitken, Terry (087) 2nd
15Petrie, Shauna (065) 2ndFilandro, Marie (063) 1st
10Pietrzak, Diane (011) 1stMorris, Maureen (021) 2nd
18Prince, Jackie (047) 2ndUso, Maurice (072) 1st
11Rauppius, Dave (031) 1stStone, Harold (001) 2nd
15Rickhoff, Laura (061) 2ndCollins, Betzy (010) 1st
13Robinson, Linda (089) 1stBanerji, Zarrine (020) 2nd
19Saltz, Emily (074) 2ndSpalding, Joyce (076) 1st
19Scaglione, Ida (039) 1stDoyle, Dawn (051) 2nd
6Scholz, Bridget (017) 2ndGoldstein, Jeff (077) 1st
21Schroeder, M W (042) 1stCann, Kathi (037) 2nd
5Sears, Kevin (036) 1stMistrette, Paul (015) 2nd
25Shea, Colleen (086) 1stBassett, Michael (085) 2nd
22Siedschlag, Susan (032) 1stBecker, Mary (050) 2nd
7Sinanan, Lilla (012) 1stBraverman, Mollie (060) 2nd
19Spalding, Joyce (076) 1stSaltz, Emily (074) 2nd
23Spangler, John (094) 1stZollinger, Justine (070) 2nd
1Stewart, Russell (022) 2ndKarten, Max (016) 1st
24Stock, Joyce (062) 1stGier, Marie (083) 2nd
11Stone, Harold (001) 2ndRauppius, Dave (031) 1st
27Strick, Richard (046) 1stMuhling, Vivienne (028) 2nd
8Taylor, Flora (093) 1stNorman, Kathy (066) 2nd
12Thomley, Laura (053) 1stTyszka, Gene (056) 2nd
12Tyszka, Gene (056) 2ndThomley, Laura (053) 1st
18Uso, Maurice (072) 1stPrince, Jackie (047) 2nd
9Vanech, Bob (081) 1stOh, Hans (014) 2nd
2Walleck, Christopher (018) 2ndMcCarroll, Nancy (048) 1st
22Wieckowski, Zbigniew (030) 2ndDunavin, Callie (075) 1st
20Wittman, Dianne (040) 1stEilertsen, Chora B (090) 2nd
20Witz, Benjamin (078) 1stHorowitz, Risa (069) 2nd
24Wood, Paul (095) 2ndKonipol, Nancy (059) 1st
23Zollinger, Justine (070) 2ndSpangler, John (094) 1st

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