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Round | Losing Score | Winning Score | Loser | Winner |
27 | 167 | 397 | Johnson, Eileen (106) | Iannetti, Linda (115) |
24 | 176 | 648 | Bogle, Julia (114) | Perryman, Emma (045) |
24 | 180 | 460 | White, Charlene (102) | Hardwick, Pat (121) |
12 | 212 | 364 | Ubeika, Shelley (065) | Gremaud, David (056) |
17 | 212 | 444 | Johnson, Dallas (094) | Krohn, Patricia A (035) |
5 | 214 | 450 | Collins, Matthew (062) | Gove, John (018) |
30 | 215 | 366 | Villena, Marina A (119) | Pomeroy, Marilyn (088) |
30 | 216 | 505 | Bogle, Julia (114) | Salas, Lesley (093) |
28 | 217 | 464 | Poole, Cathy (123) | Greene, Lois (107) |
15 | 224 | 496 | Eddings, Wesley (014) | Robbins, Bradley (009) |
26 | 224 | 388 | Mahmood, Maliha (127) | Gillis, Marsha (126) |
10 | 225 | 520 | Pywar, Peg (124) | Iannetti, Linda (115) |
28 | 226 | 421 | Berg, Verna Richards (005) | McMillion, Arthur (010) |
30 | 226 | 444 | Lease, Jacque (032) | Strasberg, Harriet (077) |
4 | 226 | 494 | Bowman, Tracy (064) | Palazzo, Mad (028) |
19 | 226 | 534 | Arrington, Delores (111) | Joseph, Diane (100) |
9 | 230 | 422 | Tremont, Thomas (120) | Hughes, Jim (017) |
11 | 230 | 533 | Pywar, Peg (124) | Gottlin, Liz (061) |
7 | 231 | 440 | Bigall, Vera (029) | DeBacco, Stephen (011) |
1 | 232 | 457 | Cole, Judy (079) | Drinkwine, Barbara (063) |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.