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2009 National SCRABBLE® Championship

Division 3 Round 31 Alphabetic Pairings

22Arrington, Delores (111) 2ndHughes, Jim (017) 1st
18Berg, Verna Richards (005) drawsSchlechter, Hilda (037) draws
8Bigall, Vera (029) drawsWilson, Errol (003) draws 2nd time
34Bogle, Julia (114) drawsTremont, Thomas (120) draws 2nd time
29Bowen, Benton (099) drawsBrown, Diane (125) draws 2nd time
3Bowman, Tracy (064) 2ndOzorio, Steve (129) 1st 2nd time
8Breitbeil, Connie (066) drawsSealy, Trevor (031) draws
20Brooks, Lee (054) drawsHardwick, Pat (121) draws 2nd time
29Brown, Diane (125) drawsBowen, Benton (099) draws 2nd time
14Burlant, Jim (074) 1stHay, Anne (057) 2nd 2nd time
7Bush, Steve (055) drawsDeBacco, Stephen (011) draws 2nd time
11Canik, Matt (006) drawsSmith, Samuel (001) draws
13Cohen, Jo Anne (089) 1stGest, Ted (025) 2nd
22Cole, Judy (079) drawsWeinerman, Diane (117) draws 2nd time
6Collins, Matthew (062) drawsSneed, Stephen (020) draws 2nd time
13Cullman, Roger (023) 2ndStafford, Mike (002) 1st
31Cur, Tina (092) drawsOLaughlin, Tom (108) draws
20Dancho, Angela (059) drawsDay, Patricia (103) draws
23Davis, Evelyn R (110) drawsRoland, Tobey (051) draws
20Day, Patricia (103) drawsDancho, Angela (059) draws
7DeBacco, Stephen (011) drawsBush, Steve (055) draws 2nd time
10Dixon, Roy (012) 2ndUbeika, Shelley (065) 1st 2nd time
17Donegan, Michael (095) drawsKennerk, Maureen (019) draws
18Drinkwine, Barbara (063) drawsGable, Sue (030) draws 2nd time
23Druskin, Nancy (044) drawsHagelstein, Paul (069) draws
9Dubach, Joev (038) drawsKrohn, Patricia A (035) draws
25Durant, Olivia (097) 2ndJoseph, Diane (100) 1st
16Eddings, Wesley (014) drawsMurray, Eugene (042) draws
33Enszer, Evelyn (101) 1stWechter, Roberta (081) 2nd 2nd time
12Finkle, Arthur (024) drawsWade, Marcia (047) draws
7Finn, Lynda (036) 2ndSouth, Joe (033) 1st 2nd time
4Fultz, John (043) drawsMcDougall, Scott (004) draws 3rd time
18Gable, Sue (030) drawsDrinkwine, Barbara (063) draws 2nd time
28Ganguet, Richard (016) drawsPerryman, Emma (045) draws
10Garrod, Mark (041) drawsGreen, Travis (022) draws 2nd time
17Gauthier, Helena (046) drawsMcMillion, Arthur (010) draws
13Gest, Ted (025) 2ndCohen, Jo Anne (089) 1st
32Gillis, Marsha (126) 1stKidd, Danny (075) 2nd 2nd time
14Gottlin, Liz (061) drawsOblander, Terry (053) draws
10Green, Travis (022) drawsGarrod, Mark (041) draws 2nd time
27Greene, Lois (107) drawsPayne, Bill (021) draws
12Gremaud, David (056) 1stLezin, Katya (072) 2nd
29Griffith, Robb (048) drawsMelvin, Cheryl (105) draws 2nd time
23Hagelstein, Paul (069) drawsDruskin, Nancy (044) draws
19Hanley, Nancy (118) drawsScott, Nancy (082) draws 2nd time
20Hardwick, Pat (121) drawsBrooks, Lee (054) draws 2nd time
14Hay, Anne (057) 2ndBurlant, Jim (074) 1st 2nd time
33Hendrickson, Bobbi (122) drawsWood, Betsey (113) draws 2nd time
28Hillis, Jay (078) 2ndWhite, Charlene (102) 1st
26Hoehn, Susan (085) drawsScott, Will (052) draws
24Hooper, Kathy (109) drawsThompson, Celia Dayrit (116) draws
22Hughes, Jim (017) 1stArrington, Delores (111) 2nd
30Iannetti, Linda (115) 2ndMair, Ossie (090) 1st 2nd time
19Ittner, Diana (080) drawsRhyne, George (083) draws 2nd time
6Johnson, Dallas (094) 1stVillena, Marina A (119) 2nd 2nd time
32Johnson, Eileen (106) drawsWancel, Linda (128) draws 2nd time
25Joseph, Diane (100) 1stDurant, Olivia (097) 2nd
17Kennerk, Maureen (019) drawsDonegan, Michael (095) draws
32Kidd, Danny (075) 2ndGillis, Marsha (126) 1st 2nd time
21King, Sarah (058) 2ndSpiller, Diana (068) 1st
24Kirk, Shelley (098) drawsWhite, Ginger (096) draws
15Koselke, Phyllis (071) drawsTerkell, Dan (049) draws 2nd time
9Krohn, Patricia A (035) drawsDubach, Joev (038) draws
1Lam, Ben (007) drawsSteele, Stephanie (067) draws 3rd time
26Lashley, Sid (112) 1stOliva, Linda (086) 2nd
21Lease, Jacque (032) drawsSnoddy, William (104) draws
 Leonard, Dave (015)Bye
9Lewis, Bryan (091) 1stWilliams, Stan (034) 2nd
12Lezin, Katya (072) 2ndGremaud, David (056) 1st
11Long, Rob (008) drawsPitzel, Al (050) draws 2nd time
31Mahmood, Maliha (127) 1stSalas, Lesley (093) 2nd
30Mair, Ossie (090) 1stIannetti, Linda (115) 2nd 2nd time
4McDougall, Scott (004) drawsFultz, John (043) draws 3rd time
17McMillion, Arthur (010) drawsGauthier, Helena (046) draws
29Melvin, Cheryl (105) drawsGriffith, Robb (048) draws 2nd time
2Merlis, Charles (027) 1stRobbins, Bradley (009) 2nd 2nd time
5Miller, Gigi (026) 1stMiransky, Anna (039) 2nd 2nd time
5Miransky, Anna (039) 2ndMiller, Gigi (026) 1st 2nd time
16Murray, Eugene (042) drawsEddings, Wesley (014) draws
31OLaughlin, Tom (108) drawsCur, Tina (092) draws
14Oblander, Terry (053) drawsGottlin, Liz (061) draws
26Oliva, Linda (086) 2ndLashley, Sid (112) 1st
3Ozorio, Steve (129) 1stBowman, Tracy (064) 2nd 2nd time
25Palazzo, Mad (028) 1stRawlins, Gene (084) 2nd 2nd time
27Payne, Bill (021) drawsGreene, Lois (107) draws
28Perryman, Emma (045) drawsGanguet, Richard (016) draws
11Pitzel, Al (050) drawsLong, Rob (008) draws 2nd time
30Pitzer, Wilma (076) 1stSutherland, Margaret (060) 2nd 2nd time
27Pomeroy, Marilyn (088) drawsSmith, Karen (040) draws 2nd time
34Poole, Cathy (123) drawsPywar, Peg (124) draws 2nd time
34Pywar, Peg (124) drawsPoole, Cathy (123) draws 2nd time
25Rawlins, Gene (084) 2ndPalazzo, Mad (028) 1st 2nd time
19Rhyne, George (083) drawsIttner, Diana (080) draws 2nd time
2Robbins, Bradley (009) 2ndMerlis, Charles (027) 1st 2nd time
23Roland, Tobey (051) drawsDavis, Evelyn R (110) draws
31Salas, Lesley (093) 2ndMahmood, Maliha (127) 1st
18Schlechter, Hilda (037) drawsBerg, Verna Richards (005) draws
19Scott, Nancy (082) drawsHanley, Nancy (118) draws 2nd time
26Scott, Will (052) drawsHoehn, Susan (085) draws
8Sealy, Trevor (031) drawsBreitbeil, Connie (066) draws
27Smith, Karen (040) drawsPomeroy, Marilyn (088) draws 2nd time
11Smith, Samuel (001) drawsCanik, Matt (006) draws
6Sneed, Stephen (020) drawsCollins, Matthew (062) draws 2nd time
21Snoddy, William (104) drawsLease, Jacque (032) draws
7South, Joe (033) 1stFinn, Lynda (036) 2nd 2nd time
21Spiller, Diana (068) 1stKing, Sarah (058) 2nd
13Stafford, Mike (002) 1stCullman, Roger (023) 2nd
1Steele, Stephanie (067) drawsLam, Ben (007) draws 3rd time
16Steffy, Heather (087) 2ndTownsend, Adam (073) 1st
15Strasberg, Harriet (077) drawsVan Tol, Hubert (070) draws
30Sutherland, Margaret (060) 2ndPitzer, Wilma (076) 1st 2nd time
15Terkell, Dan (049) drawsKoselke, Phyllis (071) draws 2nd time
24Thompson, Celia Dayrit (116) drawsHooper, Kathy (109) draws
16Townsend, Adam (073) 1stSteffy, Heather (087) 2nd
34Tremont, Thomas (120) drawsBogle, Julia (114) draws 2nd time
10Ubeika, Shelley (065) 1stDixon, Roy (012) 2nd 2nd time
15Van Tol, Hubert (070) drawsStrasberg, Harriet (077) draws
6Villena, Marina A (119) 2ndJohnson, Dallas (094) 1st 2nd time
12Wade, Marcia (047) drawsFinkle, Arthur (024) draws
32Wancel, Linda (128) drawsJohnson, Eileen (106) draws 2nd time
33Wechter, Roberta (081) 2ndEnszer, Evelyn (101) 1st 2nd time
22Weinerman, Diane (117) drawsCole, Judy (079) draws 2nd time
28White, Charlene (102) 1stHillis, Jay (078) 2nd
24White, Ginger (096) drawsKirk, Shelley (098) draws
9Williams, Stan (034) 2ndLewis, Bryan (091) 1st
8Wilson, Errol (003) drawsBigall, Vera (029) draws 2nd time
33Wood, Betsey (113) drawsHendrickson, Bobbi (122) draws 2nd time

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