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2009 National SCRABBLE® Championship

Division 2 Round 13 Alphabetic Pairings

9Anglin, Tim (091) 2ndBodrazic, Erica Norris (055) 1st
1Avrin, Paul (012) 2ndReinke, Thomas (032) 1st
9Bodrazic, Erica Norris (055) 1stAnglin, Tim (091) 2nd
24Burton, Lorraine (084) 1stThomas, Ronnie (087) 2nd
17Cadieux, Cheryl (077) 1stEnszer, Bob (026) 2nd
24Camper, Jacqueline (089) 1stZeigler, Pete (003) 2nd
25Casey, Brenda (088) 2ndSmith, Gerry (082) 1st
22Cohen, Joanne (017) 2ndWeisskopf, Mary Ellen (070) 1st
6Cook, Jeff (035) 1stHannan, Tyler (015) 2nd
5Cornelis, Lou (006) 2ndRyan, Jamie (002) 1st
13Cornelison, Betty (092) 1stPatterson, Kay (040) 2nd
6Creed, Connie (013) 1stStocker, Carl (033) 2nd
13Denton, Carole (058) 2ndPekarsky, Zach (090) 1st
25Devanney, Katie (051) 2ndSilverman, Arline (081) 1st
16Dunlop, Glenn (023) 2ndEdwards, Su (083) 1st
16Dyer, Becky (020) 1stWise, Lynda (071) 2nd
21Easter, Carolyn (045) 1stPivovarov, Juraj (057) 2nd
16Edwards, Su (083) 1stDunlop, Glenn (023) 2nd
17Enszer, Bob (026) 2ndCadieux, Cheryl (077) 1st
11Fialkow, Marty (073) 1stMethaset, Arun (024) 2nd
15Fidler, Mark (011) 1stLobo, Yvonne (050) 2nd
12Fischer, Ryan (008) 2ndLi, Victor (075) 1st
12Galebach, Brian (025) 2ndHall, Jeremy (022) 1st
10Garner, Scott (031) 2ndMcCall, Heather (038) 1st
22Glowniak, Elaine (072) 1stShuman, Bruce (056) 2nd
23Gooley, Mark (069) 1stUshry, Yolanda (052) 2nd
7Grosman, Diana (028) 2ndScheimberg, Laura (047) 1st
12Hall, Jeremy (022) 1stGalebach, Brian (025) 2nd
14Hamilton, Ruth (034) 2ndIgra, Amnon (037) 1st
6Hannan, Tyler (015) 2ndCook, Jeff (035) 1st
21Helle, Ray (054) 1stPetree, Joe (016) 2nd
8Henderson, James (021) 1stOliger, Steve (010) 2nd
2Hollington, Sam (001) 2ndOswald, Fred (048) 1st
4Horn, Joel (007) 2ndTran, Eric (027) 1st
3Horn, Judy (064) 1stWong, Gabriel (063) 2nd
23Houlgate-West, T C (078) 2ndKrizan, Mary (080) 1st
14Igra, Amnon (037) 1stHamilton, Ruth (034) 2nd
14Jurlando, Christian (059) 1stMannella, Adrian (067) 2nd
20Kelly, Joan (049) 2ndShambach, Mason (039) 1st
11Kille, James L Jr (004) 2ndSchoenbrun, Ben (036) 1st
18Kitchen, Scott (068) 1stSlankard, Lisa (061) 2nd
20Krafchick, Joey (009) 2ndRogers, George (085) 1st
23Krizan, Mary (080) 1stHoulgate-West, T C (078) 2nd
10Lakernick, Harriette (030) 2ndLee, Frank (066) 1st
10Lee, Frank (066) 1stLakernick, Harriette (030) 2nd
9Leeds, Kevin (029) 1stShort, Glenda (062) 2nd
8Leifer, Scott (018) 1stWeiss, David (042) 2nd
12Li, Victor (075) 1stFischer, Ryan (008) 2nd
15Lobo, Yvonne (050) 2ndFidler, Mark (011) 1st
14Mannella, Adrian (067) 2ndJurlando, Christian (059) 1st
10McCall, Heather (038) 1stGarner, Scott (031) 2nd
11Methaset, Arun (024) 2ndFialkow, Marty (073) 1st
17Milton, Daniel (060) 2ndSwint, Flossie (046) 1st
8Oliger, Steve (010) 2ndHenderson, James (021) 1st
2Oswald, Fred (048) 1stHollington, Sam (001) 2nd
13Patterson, Kay (040) 2ndCornelison, Betty (092) 1st
13Pekarsky, Zach (090) 1stDenton, Carole (058) 2nd
19Perman, Gary (044) 1stSpanfelner, Florence (076) 2nd
21Petree, Joe (016) 2ndHelle, Ray (054) 1st
21Pivovarov, Juraj (057) 2ndEaster, Carolyn (045) 1st
18Polsky, Phil (043) 2ndSmith, Jason J (041) 1st
1Reinke, Thomas (032) 1stAvrin, Paul (012) 2nd
7Robin, Matt (005) 2ndRosenblum, Sarah (079) 1st
20Rogers, George (085) 1stKrafchick, Joey (009) 2nd
7Rosenblum, Sarah (079) 1stRobin, Matt (005) 2nd
5Ryan, Jamie (002) 1stCornelis, Lou (006) 2nd
7Scheimberg, Laura (047) 1stGrosman, Diana (028) 2nd
11Schoenbrun, Ben (036) 1stKille, James L Jr (004) 2nd
19Seales, Cynthia (014) 2ndTurner, Kevin (053) 1st
15Seistrup, Nicholas (086) 2ndSirois, Ricky (019) 1st
20Shambach, Mason (039) 1stKelly, Joan (049) 2nd
9Short, Glenda (062) 2ndLeeds, Kevin (029) 1st
22Shuman, Bruce (056) 2ndGlowniak, Elaine (072) 1st
25Silverman, Arline (081) 1stDevanney, Katie (051) 2nd
15Sirois, Ricky (019) 1stSeistrup, Nicholas (086) 2nd
18Slankard, Lisa (061) 2ndKitchen, Scott (068) 1st
25Smith, Gerry (082) 1stCasey, Brenda (088) 2nd
18Smith, Jason J (041) 1stPolsky, Phil (043) 2nd
19Spanfelner, Florence (076) 2ndPerman, Gary (044) 1st
6Stocker, Carl (033) 2ndCreed, Connie (013) 1st
17Swint, Flossie (046) 1stMilton, Daniel (060) 2nd
24Thomas, Ronnie (087) 2ndBurton, Lorraine (084) 1st
4Tran, Eric (027) 1stHorn, Joel (007) 2nd
19Turner, Kevin (053) 1stSeales, Cynthia (014) 2nd
23Ushry, Yolanda (052) 2ndGooley, Mark (069) 1st
8Weiss, David (042) 2ndLeifer, Scott (018) 1st
22Weisskopf, Mary Ellen (070) 1stCohen, Joanne (017) 2nd
16Wise, Lynda (071) 2ndDyer, Becky (020) 1st
3Wong, Gabriel (063) 2ndHorn, Judy (064) 1st
24Zeigler, Pete (003) 2ndCamper, Jacqueline (089) 1st

This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.