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Rank | Total Score | Player |
1 | 13601 | Cree, Chris (013) |
2 | 13591 | Wiegand, Dave (002) |
3 | 13467 | Richards, Nigel (001) |
4 | 13425 | Sujjayakorn, Panupol (007) |
5 | 13378 | Mallick, Joey (030) |
6 | 13372 | Weinstein, Ian (012) |
7 | 13326 | Rosin, Sam (018) |
8 | 13293 | Lipe, Chris (039) |
9 | 13248 | MacNeil, Rod (016) |
10 | 13227 | Daniel, Robin Pollock (015) |
11 | 13204 | Appel, Scott (005) |
12 | 13183 | Logan, Adam (004) |
13 | 13134 | Stern, Rafi (028) |
14 | 13101 | Matsumoto, Kenji (017) |
15 | 13097 | Wapnick, Joel (029) |
16 | 12990 | Robinsky, Rob (006) |
17 | 12928 | Lerman, Jerry (033) |
18 | 12920 | Kaufman, Zev (064) |
19 | 12918 | Heidler, Greg (059) |
20 | 12906 | Okosagah, Sammy (019) |
20 | 12906 | Viloria, John (040) |
This report was generated by tsh version 3.280. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.