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Back to May 2005 cross-tables


      DIVISION 1
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. RAU, STEFAN              17   +767
   2. KOENIG, DAVID            14    +37
   3. SHERMAN, LARRY           13   +142
   4. CHAKRABARTI, AMIT        13   -123
   5. DIXON, JAN               13   -212
   6. STEGMAN, DEBBIE          11   -336
   7. WEINIKE, JOE             10   -125
   8. SCHONEBOOM, MARJORIE      9   -150
      DIVISION 2                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. MILLER, MARK             19   +536
   2. ROMANO, FRANK            16   +638
   3. ROBINSKY, ROB            14   +289
   4. BERG, RICHARDS VERNA     14   -200
   5. LE CECILIA,              12   +392
   6. LIVERMORE, NOEL          12   +305
   7. HAGEL, KEITH             12   +187
   8. BARRON, MIC              12   -287
   9. ENGELHARDT, DAVID        11    -42
  10. NORRIS, ERICA            11    -68
  11. JACOBSON, JEFFREY         9   -612
  12. KANG, TERRY               8  -1138
      DIVISION 3                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. RYAN, JAMIE              16   +733
   2. LYONS, MARY A            15+  +433
   3. DWECK, BEN               15  +1046
   4. HAWKES, SHARON           15   +213
   5. BAILEY, ANNETTE          15    -89
   6. MILTON, DANIEL           14   +367
   7. KITCHEN, SCOTT           14   +242
   8. MCCARTHY, KEVIN          14   +230
   9. RAYMOND, ANN             14    +80
  10. SABIN, LOUIS             13+  +113
  11. ALLEN, DREW              13    +83
  12. STEWART, EDWARD          12+  -246
  13. CHANDRAMOULI, HARISH     12   +480
  14. MILTON, JARED            12   +271
  15. STRIEB, JAY              12   -245
  16. THOMPSON, CELIA          11+  -614
  17. USHRY, YOLANDA           11+  -789
  18. WHITE, CHARLENE          11   -143
  19. FIALKOW, MARTY           10     +7
  20. BARKMAN, PETER            8   -635
  21. WILLIAMS, STAN            8   -835
  22. STALNAKER, AUSTIN         7+  -702
      DIVISION 4                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. DEVANNEY, KATIE          17   +538
   2. BORENSTEIN, ROBERTA      16   +994
   3. RHYNE, GEORGE            16   +822
   4. WILKINSON, TIM           16   +530
   5. FALL, NICHOLAS           16    +34
   6. ARRINGTON, DELORES       15   +277
   7. SILVERSTEIN, SUSAN       15    -40
   8. SHANKLE, BERT            14   +706
   9. MISTRETTE, PAUL          14   -131
  10. OLIVA, LINDA             13   +569
  11. SHERMAN, MIKE            13    -74
  12. KUNO, MARGO              13   -329
  13. FILZER, GLENN            12   +211
  14. DEITMER, STEVEN          12   -572
  15. STEWART, GWEN            11   +132
  16. DOWNEY, SHARON           10     +4
  17. JASLOW, FRANK            10   -512
  18. GUEST, CORNELIA          10   -910
  19. LINCOLN, MADDI            7   -999
      DIVISION 5                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. FRANCIS, DERVEN          18  +1052
   2. SCHWARTZ, JEFFREY        16  +1146
   3. ALLEN, MUNLEY CHERYL     16   +465
   4. GANNON, JEANNE           15   +591
   5. HUNTER, PAMELA           15   +264
   6. HAMILTON, RICHARD        14   +280
   7. MILLARD, RONALD F        13   +108
   8. SHAPIRO, IDA ANN         13    +78
   9. WOOD, BETSEY             13   -241
  10. BHATTACHARYA, ROMIT C     7   -588
  11. DALE, VERONICA            5  -1170
  12. AVINS, DEBORAH            5  -1985

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