
2005 CanAm Challenge

See also 2006.

The Can-Am SCRABBLE® Challenge has pitted the top players from Canada and the United States against each other since its inception in 2002.

Team Canada beat Team U.S.A. 43.5-28.5 at Niagara Falls in 2002, and Team U.S.A. took back the cup in 2004 by beating Team Canada in Toronto 63.5-34.5. Full details of those events can be found at their web sites.

The Third Annual Can-Am SCRABBLE® Challenge took place for the first time in the USA on May 14 & 15, 2005. Vying for the majority of the 98 team points and the Challenge Trophy were the invited 7 of the top ranking Canadian and USA players based on peak rating between April 1, 2004 and February 1, 2005 and having played at least 24 games. Qualification standings, updated monthly, are shown below.

Robert Denn directed the event, which was won by the United States, 61-37.

Current qualification standings are updated monthly, with the publication of each new ratings list. E-mail John Chew if you aren't listed but want to know where you stand.

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