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Back to May 2003 cross-tables


      DIVISION 1                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. WIEGAND, DAVE            16  +1496
   2. COHEN, IRA               13   +469
   3. LERMAN, JERRY            12   +876
   4. KANTIMATHI, SAM          12   +425
   5. D AMBROSIO, BRUCE        11   +599
   6. WARD, BRUCE              11   +265
   7. KARRIS, JOHN             10+  -144
   8. GLASS, STEVE             10+  -310
   9. KATZ, CHANI              10    +76
  10. SCHONBRUN, LESTER         9+    +3
  11. MARTINEZ, LEWIS           9   -176
  12. UNGER, DAN                9   -387
  13. PUGHSLEY, CYNTHIA         8   +113
  14. HARSHBARGER, ERIC         8    +51
  15. LEVIN, ROBIN              7+  -270
  16. MOYER, RICH               7   -156
  17. GOLDMAN, STUART           7   -356
  18. APINDI, ISAAC             7   -798
  19. DILLES, JACK              6   -751
  20. WHITMAN, ALAN             6  -1025
      DIVISION 2                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. BAYERSDORFER, MITCH      13   +456
   2. DADY, RITA               13   +383
   3. SCHEIMBERG, LAURA        13   +271
   4. DIXON, ROY               11   +646
   5. DUBOIS, POLLY            11   +617
   6. BEUSTERIEN, PAUL         11   +327
   7. MOCINE, JOAN             11    +64
   8. DIENER, PAT              10   +151
   9. UDELSON, TINA            10    +91
  10. DOLGENOS, PETER          10    -78
  11. STEELE, DENVER            9   +189
  12. FRALEY, KEVIN             9    -79
  13. MORLEY, MAGGIE            9   -178
  14. SUGANO, STEPHANIE         8    +68
  15. CATANESE, PAULA           8    +14
  16. JACOBSTEIN, BENNETT       8   -927
  17. MEYER, ALAN               7   -508
  18. AVERELL, IRENE            7   -576
  19. STEWART, JACQUELINE       6   -275
  20. WILSON, JEANNIE J         6   -656
      DIVISOIN 3                                     
      NAME                    WINS   SPR
   1. TANTUA, VICTOR           13  +1205
   2. STEVENS, MARY ALINE      13   +589
   3. ANTMAN, BRYAN            12   +740
   4. KATZ-BROWN, JASON        12   +451
   5. DEMERS, AL               12   +138
   6. COHEN, MYRNA             11    -48
   7. BARR, RUTH               10   +132
   8. BURNS, HELEN             10    +29
   9. TOOLE, B A               10   -172
  10. BENDER, HARRY             9   +284
  11. OELE, JOSEPH              9   +155
  12. YAMAUCHI, KITTY           9    +42
  13. LECOMPTE, MARY            9     +8
  14. OFSTAD, CHRIS             9    -30
  15. LANE, ARLENE              9   -738
  16. AGDEPPA, GLORIOSA ONDOY   8   -210
  17. HO, CYNTHIA               8   -491
  18. LECOMPTE, TIM             6   -109
  19. MONDRAGON, MARTIN         6   -992
  20. GRAY, LIZZY KATE          5   -983

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