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Back to April 2003 cross-tables


						   LOS GATOS, CA APRIL 2003
                               OLD                                              PERF    NEW
      NAME                    RATING      DIVISION 1 RESULTS       WINS   SPR  RATING RATING 
   1. LERMAN, JERRY            1872  W-08 W-03 W-07 W-02 W-06 W-03   6   +593   2419   1902
   2. TRAEG, ELEANOR           1710  W-06 W-04 L-03 L-01 W-05 W-06   4   +241   1831   1730
   3. GOLDMAN, STUART          1822  W-04 L-01 W-02 W-05 W-08 L-01   4    +33   1825   1824
   4. WHITMAN, ALAN            1630  L-03 L-02 L-05 W-08 W-07 W-05   3    -61   1678   1638
   5. DIXON, ROY               1618  L-07 W-06 W-04 L-03 L-02 L-04   2    -73   1584   1612
   6. WILEY, JOHN              1657  L-02 L-05 W-08 W-07 L-01 L-02   2    -94   1580   1644
   7. KARRIS, JOHN             1785  W-05 W-08 L-01 L-06 L-04 L-08   2   -216   1513   1742
   8. CATANESE, PAULA          1515  L-01 L-07 L-06 L-04 L-03 W-07   1   -431   1485   1510
                               OLD                                              PERF    NEW
      NAME                    RATING      DIVISION 2 RESULTS       WINS   SPR  RATING RATING 
   1. JACOBSTEIN, BENNETT      1424  W-08 W-02 W-05 W-06 W-07 W-04   6   +901   1873   1451
   2. DIENER, PAT              1438  W-04 L-01 L-06 L-03 W-08 W-06   3    -12   1135   1399
   3. LECOMPTE, TIM            1018  L-05 W-07 L-04 W-02 L-06 W-08   3   -135   1173   1040
   4. PRETZER, TED              974  L-02 W-06 W-03 L-08 W-05 L-01   3   -137   1224   1009
   5. LECOMPTE, MARY           1275  W-03 W-08 L-01 L-07 L-04 W-07   3   -147   1120   1252
   6. LONGWAY, LAURIE LU       1205  L-07 L-04 W-02 L-01 W-03 L-02   2    -47   1120   1191
   7. BENDER, HARRY            1161  W-06 L-03 L-08 W-05 L-01 L-05   2    -67   1075   1146
   8. MONDRAGON, MARTIN         982  L-01 L-05 W-07 W-04 L-02 L-03   2   -356   1093    992

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The SCRABBLE® trademark is owned by J.W. Spear and Sons, PLC, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc. outside of the United States and Canada. 

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