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Lake George Main Event
NWL Results
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Division C Average Opponent Scores

1 358.60 7.0- 8.0-8B (C18)Anita Rackham
2 361.20 8.0- 7.0-147B (C17)Harry Chan
3 362.53 9.0- 6.0+373A (C5)Ayodele Odekunle
4 363.7312.0- 3.0+377C (C24)Frances Shaw
5 366.2010.0- 5.0+235C (C22)Aaron Tetens
6 366.9310.0- 5.0+374A (C1)Susan Bertoni
7 369.07 6.0- 9.0+61C (C20)Joshua Pepper
8 369.4711.0- 4.0+370B (C16)Jeffrey Scranton
8 369.47 9.0- 6.0+534C (C26)Oscar Freire
10 370.07 7.0- 8.0+87B (C15)Judy Cole
11 370.13 7.0- 8.0+230C (C25)Ella Sobel
12 372.73 8.0- 7.0+129C (C19)Olinga Flisock
13 373.20 9.0- 6.0+186C (C21)Joe Geibler
14 375.47 7.0- 8.0+352A (C2)Keith Hagel
15 377.13 8.0- 7.0-46A (C10)Skyler Lutz
16 378.87 5.0-10.0-379B (C12)Sharmaine Farini
17 380.40 7.0- 8.0+252A (C4)Lilla Sinanan
17 380.40 4.0-11.0-156C (C27)Margo Kuno
19 380.60 7.0- 8.0+207A (C3)Kevin Ng
20 382.20 9.0- 6.0+440A (C9)Cameron Siegal
21 386.07 9.0- 6.0+110A (C7)Sara Corbin
22 388.47 9.0- 6.0+188B (C14)Barbara Bultz
23 392.13 7.0- 8.0-497C (C28)Linda Wancel
24 393.53 6.0- 9.0-378C (C23)Mark Phillips
25 395.07 7.0- 8.0-482B (C11)Paul Hunsberger
26 396.13 7.0- 8.0-126A (C8)Lydia Keras
27 400.73 3.0-12.0-1131B (C13)Joseph Bowman
28 404.33 2.0-13.0-1155B (C6)Trevor Sealy

This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.