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Lake George Main Event
NWL Results
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Division B Tuff Luck

 Sum of
Losing SpreadsWLTSprClassPlayer
11109 10 11 18 19 43 3.0-12.0-221C (B23)Sary Karanofsky
217415 22 27 30 36 44 3.0-12.0-606C (B25)Jim Fonti
31751 4 15 37 47 71 8.0- 7.0+476A (B6)Michael Ecsedy
41864 25 31 37 39 50 5.0-10.0-251C (B18)Judy Horn
523018 20 35 46 47 64 5.5- 9.5-314B (B8)Michael Wolfberg
623217 27 34 45 47 62 7.0- 8.0+187B (B15)Jay Levin
723615 20 23 42 60 76 7.0- 8.0+18B (B16)Carol McDonald
830937 45 45 52 54 76 6.0- 9.0-268C (B20)Marian Calabro
93179 20 32 51 78 127 8.0- 7.0-110A (B9)Noah Goldstein
1032910 24 56 67 69 103 6.0- 9.0-336B (B13)Mina Le
1133619 24 54 67 79 93 8.0- 7.0+109C (B27)Yvonne Lobo
123384 12 58 70 85 109 6.0- 9.0-609C (B22)Cynthia Seales
133476 49 57 69 80 86 5.0-10.0-675A (B11)Verna Richards Berg
1437110 15 58 90 91 107 8.0- 7.0+168C (B24)Beth Mix
1539830 58 61 78 85 86 5.5- 9.5-450C (B26)Paul Lund, Jr
1643419 28 31 60 71 225 9.0- 6.0+147C (B21)Ben Greenwood
1743911 15 69 83 103 158 9.0- 6.0+455A (B5)Hank Hees
1844127 33 54 79 96 152 9.0- 6.0+254B (B17)Brendan McClanahan
194569 52 91 99 100 105 9.0- 6.0+600A (B4)Mark Abadi
2048912 60 69 91 112 145 8.0- 7.0-21B (B14)Steve Ozorio
215376 17 102 103 114 195 9.0- 6.0+9B (B28)Patrick Beatrez
2255028 92 96 99 101 134 9.0- 6.0-22B (B12)Kevin Burbridge
2360518 44 47 139 174 183 8.0- 7.0-289A (B3)Joel Horn
2466840 70 76 147 165 170 7.0- 8.0-519B (B10)Stefan Fatsis

This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.