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Lake George Early Bird 1
NWL Results
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Division J High Total Scores

12117 4.0- 1.0+593 (J1)Sally Reeser
21725 2.0- 3.0-55 (J4)Rick Reimer
31710 4.0- 1.0+62 (J6)Cynthia Scotti
41652 5.0- 0.0+451 (J9)Elise Bickford
51600 2.0- 3.0-22 (J2)Dianne Franz
61338 2.0- 3.0-189 (J8)Ryan Adams
71318 3.0- 2.0-104 (J5)Glenn Housley
81213 2.0- 3.0-267 (J3)Ruth Brower
91130 1.0- 4.0-219 (J7)Julia Lebow

This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.