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4th of July Main Event
NWL Results
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 Division ADivision BDivision C
Registered Players242835
Scored Players242835
Active Players232835
Minimum Rating14871152580
Mean Rating1704.11324.51001.2
Median Rating171213141021
Maximum Rating201014981396
Unrated Players000
Total Games Played259322390
Games Tied121
Total Points Scored207854244786285361
Mean Points Scored802.5760.2731.7
Mean Spread84.075.576.6
Higher Rated Win %70.1%56.7%63.7%
Rating Points Per Spread4.559.025.54
1st Player Win %48.1%56.5%54.0%
1st Player Score403.1385.1369.7
2nd Player Score399.4375.1362.0
1st Player Advantage3.710.07.6

This report was generated by tsh version 3.340. For more information about tsh, please contact John Chew.