Up to NSC 2012: Photos
Photos: NSC 2012: Round 7
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Caption List
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- Eliza Lieberman is happy with the play she just made during Round 7 against Norman Wei.
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- Marshall Resnick, Division Three, thinks over his strategy.
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- Nola Hembrook, Division Three
- Gene Tyska checks out Derven Francis and Nola Hembrook's game during Round 7.
- Mary Logullo playing Susan Love during Round 7 in Division Three.
- Marina Villena, Division Three
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- John Chew and Chris Cree, co-presidents of NASPA, with the ladies of Team Australia.
- Hootenanny: Alice Ching-Chew and Ted Chew.
- Ian Chew dances an Irish jig while his parents, Ted Chew & Alice Ching-Chew play.
- Ian Chew on Irish jig.
- Robert Felman (Nokomis, FL) and Ted Chew.
- Alice Ching-Chew, Robert Felman (Nokomis, FL), Chris Cree (Dallas, TX), and Ted Chew.
- Shelley Ubeika (Mississauga ON) and Chris Cree (Dallas, TX).
- Alice Ching-Chew, Kristen Chew, and Ted Chew.