Up to NSC 2012: Photos
John Chew, co-president of NASPA, talks with Cornelia Guest before play begins.
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Daniel Stock, Director of Division 3, uses all the tiles to create fun sayings. Look for more on the big board during each session.
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John Williams, Executive Director of the National SCRABBLE Association, with Robin Pollock Daniel, the top rated women player.
Chris Cree, co-president of NASPA, greets the players.
Alan Stern makes everyone smile with his standup routine.
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Alice Ching-Chew, Activities Director for the NSC.
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Dallas Johnson, NSC Tournament Director.
Sam Kantimanti getting ready for the games to begin.
John Williams, Executive Director of the National SCRABBLE Association, congratulates Mary Rhoades.
Mary Rhoades, past director of the National SCRABBLE Championship, received flowers for all her years of service to NASPA.
Staff meeting: Kristen Chew, a floating event worker, and John Chew, NSC webmaster.
Staff meeting: (l to r) Alan Stern (Shadow Hills, CA), NSC master of ceremonies; John Robertson, div 1 leader; Chris Cree (Dallas, TX), NSC organizer; Tina Totem King, data entry; Jason Idalski, CSW div leader; and Pete Zeigler, annotator.
Staff meeting: (l to r) Pete Zeigler, annotator; Cornelia Guest, div 4 leader; Dan Stock, divi 3 leader (partially obscured); Dallas Johnson, NSC director; John Chew, NSC webmaster; and Kristen Chew, all around wonder.
Reese Daniel, data entry.
Timothy Bottorff (Orlando, FL) and his wife, Kerri, much appreciated registration volunteers.
Timothy Bottorff (Orlando, FL) and his wife, Kerri, modeling the Jeremy Hildebrand (Ottawa ON) designed NSC 2012 event T-shirt.
Registration materials: contestant folder, Margaritaville coupon, NASPA pen, NASPA long wooden rack, and an event T-shirt if one was preordered.
Sam Kantimathi (Sacramento, CA) at his table of wares with Andrea Williams (North Mankato, MN).
Tobey Roland (Baltimore, MD) plays a game with Mohd Khairi Zulkalnain (Ames, IA).
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Sam Kantimathi (Sacramento, CA).
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Margaritaville!
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Mike Baron (Corrales, NM).
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Paul McCarthy.
NSC 2012 official vendors.
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Hasbro!
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Merriam-Webster!
Thanks to our NSC 2012 sponsor: Electronic Arts!
An in memoriam slide show of NASPA members we lost since the last NSC.
Andrea Williams (North Mankato, MN) posing with "the Sam Kantimathi (Sacramento, CA)."
Gene Tyszka (Mississauga ON) with his goods!
Beaming and helpful event volunteers, Cheryl Melvin (Muskegon, MI) and Carolyn Easter (Birmingham, MI), check in Bradley Robbins (Windham, NH).
Happy, happy, happy, always: Gerianne Abriano (Staten Island, NY), Jan Cardia (Hockessin, DE), and Aldo Cardia (New York, NY).
Brian Williams and his goods.
Devoted friends: Chris Cree (Dallas, TX) and David Gibson (Spartanburg, SC).
Staff dinner: Cornelia Guest, Kate Watson, and Pete Zeigler.
NASPA copresidents: Chris Cree (Dallas, TX) lucky to be on the receiving end of a massage from John Chew.
Staff dinner: Lila Crotty (Metairie, LA), Tim Crotty, Dan Stock, Joyce Stock (Rocky River, OH), and Alice Ching-Chew.
Staff dinner: Robin Pollock Daniel (Toronto ON) nuzzles her oldest son, Oliver; younger son, Reese; CJ Tyler, and Gary Daniel.
Staff dinner: Pete Zeigler, Tina Totem King, and Jason Idalski (back).
Staff dinner: Dallas Johnson and John Robertson.
Staff dinner: Joyce Stock (Rocky River, OH) on the receiving end of a Dan Stock massage.
SCRABBLE players also in the Island Grill: Evelyn Callaway (Bryan, TX) and Michael Donegan (Austin, TX).
Registration desk: Kate Watson and Mary Rhoades check in players.
After hours room: Helena Gauthier (Merrimack, NH) vs. Diana Spiller (Ashby, MA).
After hours room: Carl Johnson (Beaverton, OR) vs. Gunther Jacobi (Portland, OR). Rafi Stern (Seattle, WA) looks on.
After hours room: Kate Fukawa-Connelly, Jesse Day (Berkeley, CA), and Cecilia Le (Cambridge, MA).
After hours room: Cheryl Tyler (Lubbock, TX) vs.Jim Burlant (Grapevine, TX).
After hours room: Brian Galebach (Columbia, MD) and Caroline Polak Scowcroft (Australia) play tag team SCRABBLE against Robert Linn (Potomac, MD) and Robert Felman (Nokomis, FL) (backs).
After hours room: Mohd Khairi Zulkalnain (Ames, IA) watches Cedric Lewis (State College, PA) vs. Emanuel Chicoine (Montreal QC).
After hours room: Emanuel Chicoine (Montreal QC) vs. Cedric Lewis (State College, PA). Mohd Khairi Zulkalnain (Ames, IA) observes.
Mary Rhoades checks in John Wiley (Palo Alto, CA) and a barely visible Emely Weissman (Menlo Park, CA).
David Gilmore (Chicago, IL) vs. Rebecca Gilmore (Westchester, IL) outside the playing room.
The younguns from Texas square off: Orry Swift (Houston, TX) vs. Matt Canik (Austin, TX).
Stefan Fatsis (Washington, DC) greets School SCRABBLE champion Bradley Robbins (Windham, NH) and his parents Jill and Phil.
Dallas Johnson, NSC director, doing EVERYTHING he can to prevent players from using laptops with the incorrect lexicon!
Merlene Weithers (Ft Lauderdale, FL) showing some style!
Kate Fukawa-Connelly checking in with Cornelia Guest and her div 4 helper, Kerri Bottorff.
Gene Rawlins (Scarborough ON) in his "Olympic" shirt.
Chris Cree (Dallas, TX), NSC organizer, making opening remarks.
Alan Stern (Shadow Hills, CA), NSC emcee.
A Dan Stock inspired 100-tile message on the big board.
Dallas Johnson, NSC director.
Patty Hocker, Chris Cree and Robin Pollock Daniel clown around before the tournament.
Up to NSC 2012: Photos