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NSC 2009: Stephen Sneed [#20]

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On this page, you will find information about Stephen Sneed, who is competing at the 2009 National SCRABBLE Championship. This page was updated at least hourly between 09:00 A.M. and midnight local time. This player currently has a record of 19.5-11.5, +544, and is ranked #11 in Division 3.

Lower on this page, you can find brief self-reported biographical details of the player, statistics on the player’s past several years of rated tournament play in North America, a graphic showing the player’s ups and downs at this tournament, and a round-by-round report on the player’s opponents and games.

Background Information

[photo of Stephen Sneed]

Given name(s): Stephen
Surname(s): Sneed
Home: Ft. Worth, TX, USA
Awards: Division IV 2008 Natioanal Championship; 2008 Texas Scholastic Champion
Hobbies: basketball, frisbee
Occupation: student
Round by Round

High score: 575
Average for: 398
Average against: 381

Before the Tournament  

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 1

[photo of Marina A Villena]

Sneed played #119 Marina A Villena (San Pablo, CA) and won 385 to 348 (a spread of 37).

Current ranking: #41.

Current record: 1-0, +37.

Round 2

[photo of Michael Donegan]

Sneed played #95 Michael Donegan (Austin, TX) and won 504 to 380 (a spread of 124).

Current ranking: #17.

Current record: 2-0, +161.

Round 3

[photo of Lynda Finn]

Sneed played #36 Lynda Finn (Madison, WI) and lost 396 to 420 (a spread of -24).

Current ranking: #27.

Current record: 2-1, +137.

Round 4

[photo of Charlene White]

Sneed played #102 Charlene White (Kearny, NJ) and lost 393 to 397 (a spread of -4).

Current ranking: #45.

Current record: 2-2, +133.

Round 5

[photo of Ossie Mair]

Sneed played #90 Ossie Mair (Lauderhill, FL) and won 429 to 384 (a spread of 45).

Current ranking: #31.

Current record: 3-2, +178.

Round 6

[photo of Dallas Johnson]

Sneed played #94 Dallas Johnson (Stow, OH) and won 392 to 327 (a spread of 65).

Current ranking: #22.

Current record: 4-2, +243.

Round 7

[photo of Travis Green]

Sneed played #22 Travis Green (Indianapolis, IN) and lost 328 to 366 (a spread of -38).

Current ranking: #39.

Current record: 4-3, +205.

Round 8

[no photo available]

Sneed played #14 Wesley Eddings (Bryan, TX) and lost 334 to 382 (a spread of -48).

Current ranking: #50.

Current record: 4-4, +157.

Round 9

[photo of Tina Cur]

Sneed played #92 Tina Cur (Buffalo, NY) and won 359 to 333 (a spread of 26).

Current ranking: #41.

Current record: 5-4, +183.

Round 10

[photo of Julia Bogle]

Sneed played #114 Julia Bogle (Indianapolis, IN) and won 446 to 358 (a spread of 88).

Current ranking: #28.

Current record: 6-4, +271.

Round 11

[photo of Bill Payne]

Sneed played #21 Bill Payne (Calgary AB) and won 401 to 352 (a spread of 49).

Current ranking: #21.

Current record: 7-4, +320.

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 12

[photo of Jacque Lease]

Sneed played #32 Jacque Lease (Fremont, OH) and won 443 to 401 (a spread of 42).

Current ranking: #17.

Current record: 8-4, +362.

Round 13

[photo of Bryan Lewis]

Sneed played #91 Bryan Lewis (Erie, PA) and won 457 to 449 (a spread of 8).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 9-4, +370.

Round 14

[photo of Adam Townsend]

Sneed played #73 Adam Townsend (Astoria, NY) and won 575 to 260 (a spread of 315).

Current ranking: #7.

Current record: 10-4, +685.

Round 15

[photo of Matt Canik]

Sneed played #6 Matt Canik (Austin, TX) and lost 292 to 472 (a spread of -180).

Current ranking: #15.

Current record: 10-5, +505.

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (12 hits).

Round 16

[photo of Scott McDougall]

Sneed played #4 Scott McDougall (Williamsbury, VA) and lost 414 to 417 (a spread of -3).

Current ranking: #18.

Current record: 10-6, +502.

Round 17

[photo of Samuel Smith]

Sneed played #1 Samuel Smith (Shell Lake, WI) and won 397 to 354 (a spread of 43).

Current ranking: #15.

Current record: 11-6, +545.

Round 18

[photo of Mike Stafford]

Sneed played #2 Mike Stafford (Columbus, OH) and won 423 to 378 (a spread of 45).

Current ranking: #12.

Current record: 12-6, +590.

Round 19

[photo of Dave Leonard]

Sneed played #15 Dave Leonard (Buffalo, NY) and lost 389 to 425 (a spread of -36).

Current ranking: #21.

Current record: 12-7, +554.

Round 20

[photo of Connie Breitbeil]

Sneed played #66 Connie Breitbeil (Cincinnati, OH) and won 480 to 385 (a spread of 95).

Current ranking: #15.

Current record: 13-7, +649.

Round 21

[photo of Steve Ozorio]

Sneed played #129 Steve Ozorio (Mississauga ON) and won 359 to 346 (a spread of 13).

Current ranking: #11.

Current record: 14-7, +662.

Round 22

[photo of Tracy Bowman]

Sneed played #64 Tracy Bowman (Chicago, IL) and lost 304 to 458 (a spread of -154).

Current ranking: #17.

Current record: 14-8, +508.

Round 23

[photo of David Gremaud]

Sneed played #56 David Gremaud (St. Louis, MO) and won 403 to 388 (a spread of 15).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 15-8, +523.

Round 24

[photo of Anna Miransky]

Sneed played #39 Anna Miransky (Toronto ON) and lost 358 to 388 (a spread of -30).

Current ranking: #21.

Current record: 15-9, +493.

Round 25

[photo of Matthew Collins]

Sneed played #62 Matthew Collins (Cincinnati, OH) and won 380 to 345 (a spread of 35).

Current ranking: #15.

Current record: 16-9, +528.

Round 26

[photo of Stan Williams]

Sneed played #34 Stan Williams (West Chester, PA) and lost 332 to 367 (a spread of -35).

Current ranking: #18.

Current record: 16-10, +493.

Round 27

[photo of John Fultz]

Sneed played #43 John Fultz (Savoy, IL) and won 432 to 304 (a spread of 128).

Current ranking: #16.

Current record: 17-10, +621.

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 28

[photo of Charles Merlis]

Sneed played #27 Charles Merlis (West Hartford, CT) and tied at 383.

Current ranking: #12.

Current record: 17.5-10.5, +621.

Round 29

[photo of Anna Miransky]

Sneed played #39 Anna Miransky (Toronto ON) again and won 416 to 382 (a spread of 34).

Current ranking: #9.

Current record: 18.5-10.5, +655.

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 30

[photo of Charles Merlis]

Sneed played #27 Charles Merlis (West Hartford, CT) again and lost 330 to 494 (a spread of -164).

Current ranking: #15.

Current record: 18.5-11.5, +491.

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 31

[photo of Matthew Collins]

Sneed played #62 Matthew Collins (Cincinnati, OH) again and won 416 to 363 (a spread of 53).

Current ranking: #11.

Current record: 19.5-11.5, +544.

After the Tournament  

Sneed is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

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