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NSC 2008: Richard Strick [#83]

[ As of 11:00 P.M. ET Thursday, additional photos have been posted for rounds 27 and 28. ]

On this page, you will find information about Richard Strick, who is competing at the 2008 National SCRABBLE® Championship. This page was updated at least hourly between 09:00 A.M. and midnight local time. This player currently has a record of 15.5-12.5, +334, and is ranked #29 in Division 5.

Lower on this page, you can find brief self-reported biographical details of the player, statistics on the player’s past several years of rated tournament play in North America, a graphic showing the player’s ups and downs at this tournament, and a round-by-round report on the player’s opponents and games.

Background Information

[photo of Richard Strick]

Given name(s): Richard
Surname(s): Strick
Home: Santa Monica, CA, United States
Occupation: Dermatologist
Round by Round

High score: 497
Average for: 367
Average against: 355

Round 1

[photo of Linda Brandt]

Strick played #11 Linda Brandt (Brandon, FL) and won 387 to 326 (a spread of 61).

Current ranking: #29.

Current record: 1-0, +61.

Round 2

[photo of Ruth Sawyer]

Strick played #70 Ruth Sawyer (Georgetown, TX) and won 408 to 369 (a spread of 39).

Current ranking: #21.

Current record: 2-0, +100.

Round 3

[no photo available]

Strick played #92 Esther White (Highland Heights, OH) and won 373 to 293 (a spread of 80).

Current ranking: #5.

Current record: 3-0, +180.

Round 4

[photo of Candace Hurley]

Strick played #39 Candace Hurley (Columbia, CA) and lost 325 to 359 (a spread of -34).

Current ranking: #20.

Current record: 3-1, +146.

Round 5

[photo of Ida Ann Shapiro]

Strick played #75 Ida Ann Shapiro (New York, NY) and lost 344 to 358 (a spread of -14).

Current ranking: #29.

Current record: 3-2, +132.

Round 6

[no photo available]

Strick played #77 Colleen Shea (Rocky Point, NY) and won 372 to 272 (a spread of 100).

Current ranking: #19.

Current record: 4-2, +232.

Round 7

[no photo available]

Strick played #71 Sherry Schaff (Solvang, CA) and lost 251 to 456 (a spread of -205).

Current ranking: #37.

Current record: 4-3, +27.

Round 8

[photo of Wayne Scruggs]

Strick played #74 Wayne Scruggs (Stockbridge, GA) and won 379 to 311 (a spread of 68).

Current ranking: #26.

Current record: 5-3, +95.

Round 9

[photo of Gloriosa Ondoy Agdeppa]

Strick played #1 Gloriosa Ondoy Agdeppa (San Jose, CA) and lost 286 to 340 (a spread of -54).

Current ranking: #36.

Current record: 5-4, +41.

Round 10

[photo of Beulah Cooper]

Strick played #15 Beulah Cooper (Austin, TX) and lost 313 to 397 (a spread of -84).

Current ranking: #51.

Current record: 5-5, -43.

Round 11

[photo of Wanda Tumlin]

Strick played #87 Wanda Tumlin (Warrior, AL) and lost 357 to 414 (a spread of -57).

Current ranking: #62.

Current record: 5-6, -100.

Round 12

[photo of Ivan Blackman]

Strick played #10 Ivan Blackman (Bahamas) and won 407 to 321 (a spread of 86).

Current ranking: #46.

Current record: 6-6, -14.

Round 13

[no photo available]

Strick played #26 Christine Engle (Rockledge, FL) and lost 313 to 432 (a spread of -119).

Current ranking: #59.

Current record: 6-7, -133.

Round 14

[photo of Scott Hawkins]

Strick played #37 Scott Hawkins (Effingham, IL) and won 448 to 296 (a spread of 152).

Current ranking: #44.

Current record: 7-7, +19.

Round 15

[photo of Stella J. Russell]

Strick played #68 Stella Russell (Manchester, NH) and won 356 to 352 (a spread of 4).

Current ranking: #43.

Current record: 8-7, +23.

Round 16

[photo of John Thomason]

Strick played #84 John Thomason (Davie, FL) and won 445 to 291 (a spread of 154).

Current ranking: #30.

Current record: 9-7, +177.

Round 17

[photo of Barbara C Ring]

Strick played #65 Barbara C Ring (Laguna Beach, CA) and lost 336 to 414 (a spread of -78).

Current ranking: #38.

Current record: 9-8, +99.

Round 18

[photo of Joyce Stock]

Strick played #82 Joyce Stock (Rocky River, OH) and tied at 342.

Current ranking: #40.

Current record: 9.5-8.5, +99.

Round 19

[no photo available]

Strick played #49 Deborah Light (Napanee ON) and lost 290 to 442 (a spread of -152).

Current ranking: #49.

Current record: 9.5-9.5, -53.

Round 20

[no photo available]

Strick played #64 Sally Reeser (Allentown, PA) and won 363 to 306 (a spread of 57).

Current ranking: #41.

Current record: 10.5-9.5, +4.

Round 21

[photo of Kathi Cann]

Strick played #14 Kathi Cann (Leitchfield, KY) and won 445 to 294 (a spread of 151).

Current ranking: #32.

Current record: 11.5-9.5, +155.

Round 22

[photo of Noah Lieberman]

Strick played #48 Noah Lieberman (Charlotte, NC) and won 330 to 327 (a spread of 3).

Current ranking: #27.

Current record: 12.5-9.5, +158.

Round 23

[photo of Lois S Oda]

Strick played #59 Lois S Oda (Honolulu, HI) and won 421 to 343 (a spread of 78).

Current ranking: #23.

Current record: 13.5-9.5, +236.

Round 24

[photo of Denise Dixon]

Strick played #23 Denise Dixon (Oneida, NY) and won 434 to 286 (a spread of 148).

Current ranking: #18.

Current record: 14.5-9.5, +384.

Round 25

[photo of Ronald Barker]

Strick played #4 Ron Barker (Boise, ID) and won 497 to 303 (a spread of 194).

Current ranking: #14.

Current record: 15.5-9.5, +578.

Round 26

[photo of Debbie Scholz]

Strick played #73 Debbie Scholz (Houston, TX) and lost 399 to 440 (a spread of -41).

Current ranking: #17.

Current record: 15.5-10.5, +537.

Round 27

[photo of Trevor McGuire]

Strick played #54 Trevor McGuire (Sarasota, FL) and lost 317 to 486 (a spread of -169).

Current ranking: #23.

Current record: 15.5-11.5, +368.

Round 28

[no photo available]

Strick played #89 Ashley Walsh-Buie (Fort Lauderdale, FL) and lost 345 to 379 (a spread of -34).

Current ranking: #29.

Current record: 15.5-12.5, +334.

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